I have often heard that you are not supposed to mix the wasabi and the soy sauce. Forget you! It tastes good, and I am here to eat food that tastes good. Who cares if it isn’t traditional?
I have often heard that you are not supposed to mix the wasabi and the soy sauce. Forget you! It tastes good, and I am here to eat food that tastes good. Who cares if it isn’t traditional?
I had a visible revulsion shudder after reading that title. Ug.
Meh, seems like the company has a leg to stand on here. You can require professional grooming and not be racist. If a company says they won’t hire someone with face tats, asking you to get them lasered off, it wouldn’t be surprising. Just because it is a major part of your personal identity, doesn’t mean that all…
It was an open secret even in the 80s. Mitchell just dismissed the accusations as coming from haters (his competitors). I don’t know why Twin Galaxies believed him then.
I doubt that any 100 year old looks back on her life and says to herself: “So glad I didn’t have those pancakes”
The best part about Stranger than Fiction is the writing. Will Ferrel was competent in his roll, but the sublime writing in that movie is what sticks with me years down the line.
The jaywalker didn’t react, jump out of the way, or anything. If she didn’t have time to save her life, then it is reasonable to say it would be difficult for the minder to save her life too, regardless of attention paid.
I have good eyesight, you just assume your eyesight is much better than it really is.
This is easier to understand if you re-frame it. This situation is almost identical to hitting a deer crossing the road. People hit deer all the time and no one says they were criminally terrible drivers, these things happen. Drivers…
This is a good point, several layers failed, and that is why the comment section is filled. Everyone has someone to blame, but also has to admit the others have a point too.
Did you see the video? No street lights, no oncoming traffic, dark clothing, no reflectors.
This is a good thing, I hope they keep the bots for new players. Less jarring for newbs.
I am 38, I fairly smart, I have a BA and MBA and I still need to look at my stupid hands and figure out which one is left. It is instinctual information for most, but my dumb brain has to re-learn it every 30 seconds.
I really wonder what impact this one accident will have in the development of self driving cars. I hope it will be a major impetus to dramatically improve tech, but not so much that the tech gets indefinitely delayed. I want self driving cars that do a much better job than humans. That is the world I want to live in.
I have been married for 11 years and even though I have never ordered for my wife, servers have never offered to split the check. Is that weird?
Data is good, data is great. Do you have any data on the uniqueness of CEOs? Would a random manager promoted from within do any worse than a CEO that had been one for decades? If there are only so many great men in the world, we should compete for them. But if we can easily replace them and get similar results, then…
If the CEO makes a good decision resulting in an increase in profit, it does not mean that the CEO deserves all that profit. Each stage of management still has to work to implement the CEO’s decision, all the way down to the front line. Each step in that chain has to do a great deal of work to implement that choice,…
I work for a very large telecom company, none of us got raises this year. Well except the CEO, he got 83 million if I remember right.
Your list is odd, but your mid-tier is just wrong. Costco and Sams are on the same list as Little Caesars. Why is California Pizza Kitchen even on your list? That is a sit down restaurant, a different list all together. You can’t put Olive Garden on the same list as Del Posto, they are for different occasions…
100% Agree. You can eat what you want how you want at home, room service, and fast food. Society has no claim on you there.
I like the pizza tracker, but I don’t order for the tracker. Dominoes legit tastes better than it did before. Pizza Hut still tastes greasy. That is why Dominoes is winning, because of the pizza.