
Good for them for being brave and giving away cakes. They surely didn’t have corporate approval before they gave out treats, they got lucky their pr person saw it before the accountant. It was the right thing to do, which is rare enough to be news these days.

This is the weird thing to me. Is the blue wall really that strong that NYC does not care about losing money?

Call centers are almost always isolated Fiefdoms. Problems are fired, not dealt with. Things like this go unchecked because no one from upper management ever checks on them. No one from a call center ever gets promoted to upper management, so even if you complain, no one believes you. Even in the rare case of great

So is Morfi claiming to be surprised that she was fired? It makes sense to decry the decision, but she had to see it coming, right?

I really wonder if this is racism. Why hasn’t Mrs. Epps come out and said something?

My life will never be the same either. Mind blown.

I work for CenturyLink, which has a long history of Christmas Bonuses. Not this last Christmas though. This year they said no raises for anyone. These articles are about how it is not enough to offer a bonus, but I wish I had even that.

I would never eat something called vegan cookie dough. Give me the real thing. But strangely flavored hummus? Sign me up!

Sunsets around Albuquerque are usually divine. All the sand and dust in the air turns the sky the most beautiful colors. It is a nice perk of living in a hellish desert.

That is shockingly ugly. Like bad sci-fi mask ugly.

I don’t know of a single spaetzle recipe that calls for refrigerating the dough. This is more of a make it all in one go kind of thing.

I understand you are pointing out a possibility, not necessarily what you believe to be fact. But your middle argument, that responsibly is just a tool to regulate actions, is deeply flawed. If all actions are pre-determined, then there are no tool wielders, just automatons acting out programming. You cannot blame

Some people can look at the same facts and come to different conclusions. You see a kind act and assume that it is genetically selfish, I see the same act and come to a different conclusion.

Excellent point Ron Swanson. When I was teaching high school English, I used to use Romeo and Juliet to define true love. Romeo and Juliet were ultimately selfish and loved the idea of being in love, but they never really considered what was best for the other.

That is the thing though, it was declared illegal by legitimate authorities. One person cannot decide what is and isn’t legitimate, that is done by society. No matter your beliefs, that fact does not change.

No, there was a Halloween comic, referenced above, that said everyone was gone, but it was all a dream.

Bone in wings taste substantially better.

LOL, I actually liked your poem, Awesome’s Razor.

Latest news says he killed himself as the police breached the room, not before.

The Police got to him 4 minutes after the shooting started, that really is rather quick considering how far away he was and how hard it must have been to isolate him. He had 10 guns lined up, he was going to keep shooting until someone stopped him. So the police did save lives.