
Came here to say this but couldn’t figure out Kinja, had to ask my son who is in grad school for help, stopped to shout at the clouds, forgot what u was doing, took a nap, checked the stock ticker, remembered what I was going to post, but you beat me to it.

As an ICU nurse trying to stay calm in the middle of a panic-fest, this is just what I needed. Thanks!

I’m going to get flamed/read for this. This is a tragedy no doubt, and NONE of it is ok ever. While I was reading through the article I kept wondering if the gross incompetence was because of the victims color or not.

Sorry to toot my own horn, and not to minimize any of your excellent points, but I tip not only when, say, picking a pizza, I also tip at drive-in windows. I earn much less than what would be considered a middle class salary, you might say I’m “middle to lower working class”, but we, the bottom 95%, have to try and

That’s the point, she’s missing that basic level of understanding that we build on for conversations like this. You can’t just explain the truth to someone like this.

Well if that rocket guy was trolling, he showed some real dedication to it when he killed himself trying to prove the Earth was flat.

Because mainstream media don’t take deep dives on the subject. For example a channel that specializing on China news do a much more in depth dive about the spread and the Chinese response.

So way back in 79 when I was a child playing, Adventure on the Atari 2600 I would dream of a game where you play as a character that walks through dungeons, collects treasure, unlock doors. All in a 3D environment, but In my mind I would quickly dismiss it as an impossibility.

A few years later I remember seeing

Me writing this post: “People aren’t ACTUALLY going to show up in the comments saying they’re proud to be racist jerks”

I’m sure this is something that can be fixed with just the smallest of tweaks to our existing system. And if not, we’ll try again with another small tweak ten years further on.  Because, truly, what’s a life when profits and executive compensation hang in the balance?!

Wait, so Yennefer was a student at Aretuza for 20 years?

The fact that in the previous episode, Foltest appeared as an old man in Geralt’s scenes and as a young child in Yennefer’s didn’t clue you in?

It wasn’t until the “Law of Surprise” episode that I realized they were moving back and forth between different timelines.

Wait a second...

This article is ignoring the complicated psychology of the character in order to satisfy the thesis. The author even acknowledges that the show depicts the power and sexuality of Yennefer. Other characters are basically telling her that she’s fine the way she is but she doesn’t believe them or in herself.

It’s such a fucking dumb, mildly anachronistic song.

I think it's been mentioned in some reviews that each episode of the show is better then the last which is largely true. At both it's best and worst it is a bigger budget Hercules The Legendary Journeys and that is a perfectly fine place for it to be

I thought Castle Rock started well but bombed spectacularly in the back half of the season.

Trump’s campaign misusing a meme doesn’t so much concern me as Trumpo trying to pull literal Nazi shit with an executive order declaring Judaism to be a nationality. Not only is this continuing Trump’s anti-semitic “Jews = Israel” stance, but it’s also another step in justifying deporting Jews. Because if Jews are a

This post has been sponsored by the National Spinach Commission.