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Now you’ve done it. We all have to watch this glorious video.


Iron Fist’s second season would do well to write Ed Brubaker a huge check and straight up adapt his run. Otherwise it’s probably going to be more emo bullshit,like Tyler Perry’s Luke Cage. I need my Powerman to be cocky hustler who punches things,not a milquetoast obsessing over the lack of positive male role models

*Random nerd doesn’t listen to Connor, launches Skynet*

Give it to me.

If it means getting a stunt double that can actually pull off being a master of multiple martial arts? absofrigginlutely.

But variety is the spice of life!

Some people may be excited for yet another adaptation, but for me it’s “been there, Dune that.”

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For those who have never seen this show, I want you to watch this clip from the Season 3 finale. it and enjoy:

congrats! let us know when it arrives!

The same story claims the film’s villain will be a Batman rogue that has never been on the big screen before.

So is he just going to start biting his co-stars in order to play this properly as a method actor?

I prefer combat wizards, meself...

So I guess the Infrared, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray, and Microwave Lanterns are coming soon?

ScreenSlaver? Should’ve just gone with Hypnotoad and be done. .... All praise be to Hypnotoad....

And in the bloodlit dark behind his eyes, silver phosphenes boiling in from the edge of space, hypnagogic images jerking past like film compiled from random frames. Symbols, figures, faces, a blurred, fragmented mandala of visual information.

He sniffed that statue’s crotch, thought about taking a nap, then was suddenly angered enough to knock it down.

Wait, so this movie actually has a plot now?

that’s how dudes talk to ladies all the time “oh that can’t be right” to my years of experience and research oh ok my boobs got in the way

Let’s be honest. It’ll never happen. Nobody’ll elect a President from Jersey.