
Gawd demmit!

I think they just turned a character most readers hated into one most viewers root for.

Yeah his godly purpose was clarified really well here. I basically only remember him from the book as the Big Bad. Glad they cast a compelling actor to really bring him to life.

I was way too excited at that prospect, and I don't even really care about this version of Wally.

Ah. That's a good theory. Perfectly logical but not obvious.

His glee over these kinds of things is what makes him loveable. And yeah, he's definitely boyish, usually in the right ways.

Oh yeah I've spent years at this point hunting bears in West Elizabeth. I can't get enough of it.

Sometimes my Undead Nightmare game has regular humans instead of zombies, except the don't have heads. They still rush at you with their floating bowler hats and glasses though. Sometimes you see them milling about and it's nightmare fuel because you don't know if they know you're there or not.

The Xbox one does feel like an in between model, the way the Gamecube was just killing time before the Wii.

I'm way behind anyway (thanks Skyrim [not even the special edition—that's next]). And before RDR2 is another Assassins Creed, so by all means Rockstar, do what you've gotta do.

Between Arrow season two and early season three we were getting all the villains from that Justice League Unlimited episode "Task Force X" and I was going nuts hoping they would put them together. The Clock King had a great episode of Arrow, and I liked Captain Boomerang enough, I hope these shows realize some of that

Dinosaurs on a Spaceship managed that balance well, I think. Plenty of opportunity for characters to exist independent of the Doctor. I thought the mix and match made for a more interesting script.

I want a full on Rogue's Gallery team up on Flash, if for no other reason than that they would make a very effective Big Bad. No evil speedsters necessary!

I don't recall it offhand, but I'm not surprised. I always like it when a writer unifies their work like that, even when it doesn't always make sense (see also: Steven King).
Now, just imagine if Starz adapted Anansi Boys and Sandman, either as material for future seasons, or as spinoffs the way everyone tries to make

I ran to the restroom at what in any other movie would have meant I missed the climax (it was that or miss the post-credit scenes). Luckily, no, all I missed was some escalating cgi shenanigans.

It's one of those Joseph Campbell-style ideas that sometimes you can solve a multifaceted problem by focusing on the right element.
Also, it's narratively convenient.

Scott Derricksen said in the Doctor Strange commentary he intended it that way, that the hero encounters the "beam in the sky" trope too late, and has to wind back the clock to undo it.

He just can't stay mad!


Yeah now that we have American Gods it'll be an easier pitch, but before that, good luck.