
Gaiman had said he didn't really find his voice until Death showed up in issue…7, I think. I like the first story arc, but Morpheus and his sister pretty much just talking as real people do is basically what makes his writing amazing. There are plenty of stories with crazy, alluring ideas (hello, every episode of

Probably within a couple of episodes (I think there's a dinner party—a congregation if you will—that somewhat lays out clearly what the conflict is).
Beyond that, what the book really was, was a meandering road trip, a rumination on Old Ideas in a New World. Chances are very good they will be taking their sweet time

And Sandman is the least comic comic I've ever read.

There's every chance.

Yeah on some literal level all the gods are just ideas. Wednesday here is probably the figurehead the Vikings brought to America.
Now with that being said, it can be two things.

I didn't catch that, good job. I do remember that from reading the book years ago, and I think of it every time I exchange cash in my job.

Yeah and there's straight up a Preacher episode with a kid named Jesse with godlike powers.

Didn't Anubis mention Bast as well? She's the Egyptian cat god. I half expected her pet to transform.

I read Sandman and American Gods fifteen years ago, so this is tickling at the edge of my memory the way a Neil Gaiman story should.

it felt like it could have been a scene out of a Sandman tv show. There was the ordinary world leading into the fantastical, featuring an archetypal character and rich with meaning.
I know they are likelier to adapt some of Anansi Boys first (even if it integrated into this series) but damn I want Fuller to move right

Yeah especially after smashing the ice. I think if they give him a good downward spiral, we might be talking a few seasons from now about how great a character he is, and remember when he was dullsville way back in season one?

Liam Neeson had apparently said he would reprise the role, but it was pretty far into the process, and I'm sure they couldn't afford him anyway.

I hold out til there's a sale on comiXology. If you wait until Black Friday you can usually clean up.

Maybe racing those Target carts that look like Mario Kart.

And that shot of Jyn in the hallway was very nearly the perfect shot to summarize the movie. Check out the resolve on her face as she stands there, disguised in the belly of the beast. But alas.

I think that line would have worked great in the story, but when I heard it come out of the actress' mouth in the trailer I didn't believe her.

This is the origin of that insult that gingers have no soul.

I do think it's a shame we never got Derek Jacobi's Master vs John Hurt's Doctor. The universe clearly would explode if they did.

That's Moffat on everything, really. He probably used to make an amazing grilled cheese sandwich, but now his kids are sick of it.

Yeah I really prefer the early 11 stuff to the later. I always say you can tell by Matt's hair, in the beginning it was wild and unpredictable and didn't know what it was going to become, then after series 5 it became too slick and polished.