
It's like a teenage Twin Peaks. It's better than the promos indicate.

I think that's pretty likely actually. We haven't seen him in this slightly modified timeline.

I totally agree. I was telling my wife my theory last night, that I always have two Flash theories, the dumb one and the smart one. If the writers think they are being clever, it will be someone obvious like Future Barry. If they are actually being smart, Joss Whedon-style, it would be Eobard Thawne (or some other

I was just thinking of DJ al Ghul earlier today. Good times.

It helps if you don't care.

I literally just googled classic Supergirl villains who might be considered iconic and it's a little slim, but there's some potential in there like Insect Queen and Blackstarr. Somehow I completely forgot about Buzz (from Peter David's run) who's basically Spike from Buffy anyway. Not sure how his story would line up

I've been down on it for a while now, but coming back from the winter break and getting to see the characters I love (despite the plotting) has helped my enjoyment of the show tremendously. I'm pretty much tuning anything out that isn't character stuff. Should that actually be a way to watch a superhero show?

On some level I'm ok with it, because she lives in Superman's world, but largely I dislike how they try to pass off Clark-experiences (like the creation of Metallo) as Kara-experiences. I suppose these things are more for the newbies than the fanboys like me.

Mongul would be awesome. They missed their chance with the Black Mercy, but maybe we can get gladiator (gladiatrix?) Kara on Warworld.

Sometimes you've gotta pony up. This looks like one of those occasions.
Maybe you can get a free trial for a week or month and get to see a few episodes gratis. If they suck, you haven't spent any money, and probably wouldn't want to binge eventually anyway.

Ok that's fair. I basically only remember the movie once the special effects start.

Death Becomes Her.
Sometimes Bob Zemeckis needs to be stopped.

I'm as backwards as The Bachelor apparently. That's what I was trying to reference here.
Besides, these women already rule the world, that is, their immediate world of high school. It's the men like Archie or Angel or whomever that keep slipping through their fingers.

It needed their butler to pop in at that moment to be true Riverdale. Missed opportunity.

Or have him be the killer. Unlikely. But let's just see how much more gutsy this show can get.

He's the perfect foil for every other character to become instantly more interesting.

Both of these characters are inherently awesome, but are actually dragged down by relationship plots.
It's not Ollie and Barry's faults, I blame the writers really.

I love Maggie the tv character, but she's weak in comparison to her comic book counterpart. Maybe in a couple of seasons.

I always feel like Charisma Carpenter defined the mean girl stock character on Buffy, but Cheryl's nipping at her heels on this one. We need a reality show where all these characters compete for the same man. Honorable mention to Margo over on The Magicians, she's a scene stealer extraordinare.

I've been considering it as a second career as well. I'm at 20 years with one company at age 40 and seriously wanting to switch it up. If I did ultrasound I would probably want to lean toward veterinary purposes.