
Stepdaddy of dragons

Yeah since his abilities are kind of a curse, his skill in using them is what should be considered his superpower.

A little too Raph.

Plus he does have to filter and keep track of the trail (like when he followed the music in the limo in his own series) so it probably isn't easy. Also, I figure he was combining that with the sound of her footsteps, and when she went up and over the building it confused the trail.

I agree. I don't need Danny to be identical to the comic version, I just need the show he is featured on to be consistent.

Yeah maybe that's a fast way to earn the audience's sympathy.

I like him too. I really dug the first episode idea of IF of Danny being a spiritual person in the material world. The show didn't exactly stick with that idea (or any one idea really), but I like goofy, earnest Danny.

I think it may have been a Doug Petrie contribution to the script, it has a Joss Whedon-style attempt to flip the script. You know, usually the hero discovers and storms enemy HQ near the end of the story. In this case he basically summons all his strength and marches in, interrupting their plans. Of course, this is

Yes but I loved it for its straightforwardness. Danny's noble intent is one of his better qualities, no matter how dumb the outcome. If this had been his solo series I would have said "thank god, now we're getting somewhere."

I want TBD!

Also Misty arrested Jessica for, like, just stepping outside of her apartment building. Did Misty know there was a body up there?

I need a Jessica/Turk spinoff now.

Yeah Turk looks out for himself only. He's a loveable weasel. There's no way he's going to take a punch from a big guy like Luke.

He's an asshole first, vampire second.

I just reached his first time in the costume in New Teen Titans (never read it before now) and it's really good writing. I was never really keen on Marv Wolfman because his Superman comics were weak sauce compared to John Byrne's, but after reading Titans he's clearly amazing.

I'd say definitely not, as it almost definitely falls into the Gaiman-verse. Then again, don't all stories exist in the same universe…ours?

An inside source says he's a jerk!

I can't remember if any of that was in the book, but I love Norse mythology and that part cracked me up. I could also see how Wednesday would be tempted by missiles with his name on them, what with his magic spear Gungnir and all.

Yeah there's no right or wrong here. The book is pretty deeply nuanced.

I'm rooting for her now. That's quite the magic trick.