
It's Star Wars: The Middle School Years.

See also: Wolverine.

Show him Season 5's "Cause and Effect" where the Enterprise keeps blowing up over and over again.

Season Four's flashbacks didn't do much for me, but largely I feel ya.

Works for me.

Yeah in terms of the nurses I'm not sure if there was anything other than "We spelled out MURDER!" I didn't know if maybe it was supposed to do something or if the nurses thought it would. If they mentioned it earlier I didn't remember after everything else.
And I researched Scacath too, if only to confirm that was

It's gonzo, but the performances are compelling.

Pretty genius idea for a season. It's almost too smart for what AHS typically devolves into.
I do think some of AHS' worst attributes are here, but less than previous seasons. We spent too long on the first arc, and too much time in episode 8 with gratuitous torture. A few storylines went nowhere, like the nurses,

Maybe Merlyn is really her dad too, so it's like he gave her life twice?

Spiro T. Agnew or GTFO!

I think they wanted to connect the Starman/JSA thing, but go with a different version than a white male, which is still a good thing. I'm pretty sure if they really wanted to they could still introduce Ted and Jack and explain the rest of it away with time travel.

Between this guy and Prometheus the Arrow writers are really confident in their ability to create new characters, aren't they?

I'm a fan. She's attractive. But as Arrow characters go, she's a blip on the radar.

They asked Dan Harmon to suggest a little comedy for the movie. I assumed most of the quips were from him. They did seem a bit tacked on.

And they thought it was Rory, which is AHS confusing that the actor might/might not resemble the historical figure. AHS can never make up its mind.

Millennial Justice.

Yeah I feel like giving up Ollie's identity is a pretty unforgivable narrative sin. I mean, he's going to be tortured, but it's PG-13 torture.

I think it works because it was ridiculous. It implied Thea coming up with a really weak excuse, and the look on Ollie's face ever so briefly was "How do I play gout?"

This season definitely feels more like a gritty crime drama, almost like the Greg Rucka-penned Batman years.

Mid season the way season one aired. We might have a VM repeat of a rocky season three then cancellation. Sucks.