
COUNTER-ARGUMENT: Rush Limbaugh. 'Nuff said.

Tune in next week on "Server fantasies"

I suggest you kill yourself and get off my internet. Deuces. I'll be at the house. Holla. I win.

So you’re an insufferable piece of shit. No wonder nobody invites you to parties. You live a devastatingly sad life. I really hope you don’t die alone though, nobody deserves that. Hopefully you’ll find some other insufferable significant other and the two of you can go around being miserable forever. IT’S ALL ABOUT

Lighten up you fucking chode, It was a joke.

Nah dude, that's just Bos vs. NY.

Damn. I guess I'll just put this away and fap later......

That was weak. You should not be getting all these stars. Goddamnitt: +1

Is that "Clarissa Explains-It-All" up there in that GIF?? I hope so. I really want it to be......

Is that “Clarissa Explains-It-All in that GIF?? I hope so. I really want it to be......

In all honesty, as someone who spent that last ten years watching at least 150 Yankee games a year, They don’t normally get into “The unwritten rules” shit like this too often.... until Mcann showed up. I blame Brian Mcann for all of this. Fuck that guy.

As a Yankee fan, I blame Brian Mcann/McCann(sp?) for all of this. Gawd I fucking hate that guy.....

LOL. Is deadspin Jealous of access?? Don’t be salty. This story really isn’t as interesting as this site is trying to make it. Chris Carter just told a bunch of newly rich, young men to get a crew. So? This is no different from Hollywood and the Music Industry. Can we just stick with what your good at? like dick pics

Especially when fleecing the state of Rhode Island.....

Especially considering how many Muslims there are in the world, 5-10% would a fucking HUGE army....

That “heroes” meme and the Cosmic Hells Angel really aren’t all that bad, to be honest.... the rest doe...... SMH

You clearly are emotionally crippled.....

Talk about the pot and the fucking kettle.....SMH.

Sweet. So now you know how exactly us Bills fans have been living for 25 years.

186 stars for this??? you didn’t even do anything....... Comment quality has found a new, lower level of expectation somehow.....