A headline called “McDonalds Cups look like people having sex” linking to an article that is nothing but pictures of McDonalds Cups that look like people having sex is the literal opposite of what the word “clickbait” means.
A headline called “McDonalds Cups look like people having sex” linking to an article that is nothing but pictures of McDonalds Cups that look like people having sex is the literal opposite of what the word “clickbait” means.
At least on PC, die article is wrong. Any other person can download the Trial Version of the game. If you own the Deluxe Edition, you can invite any other person to play with you. There is no code you need to enter.
Even just reading the first part of this review would have told you that they did exactly that ;)
There is no legal framework in most countries to legally keep children from playing 18+ games, compared to the strict rules around gambling and access to it. Why even restrict gambling at all if it’s the parent’s responsibility anyway? You could literally argue for every single thing in the world to be completely…
Alright, this just seems increasingly weird to me. This is your third article about GTA Online and not one of them seemed to want to really go into detail around the context of turning GTA into a literal casino playable with real money and how fucked up it is that you can now gamble with real ass money in one of the…
“Giving Cookies” is one thing. Shitting on the guy because you just assume anytime a “progressive white” speaks out it’s for back-patting instead of conviction is something quite different.
That’s the most superficial analysis of Twin Peaks I have ever seen and the comparison is almost offensive to Lynch, Frost and Twin Leaks at large
I’m quite sure this wasn’t cut from the game. Even the Youtuber states clearly that he is just guessing, your article kinda omits that by saying: “According to McDonald, the score attack mode was meant to be something that the player could do while waiting for the game to finish downloading while playing a digital…
Way better. It’s not that weird soft-lock-on system from the previous games, you can actually aim now by holding LT/L2 - it feels a lot more like a functioning, traditional shooter because of that.
Just Cause 2 doesn’t have the wingsuit, which completely changes the way to traverse the world in JC3/4. I’d say go for 4. 3 has terrible progression and runs like shit on consoles while 4 has everything 3 has, just better running and a few added tools (such as the balloons shown in the article).
Do you actually, legitimitely believe that women’s armor looks like that? Do you think breasts work like that? Do you think Gwendoline Christie had her breasts amputated before sliping into her armor costume? How do you think would this work? The boobs of this armor would be guaranteed to take ever single upward…
Yes, and men have penises. Still, they don’t have huge penis-shaped bulges in their medieval armor, do they? Nor do Strife, War or Death. See the example I posted.
Plus, you seem to be agreeing with me in saying it’s stylized to be more visually engaging in a fantasy setting. That’s my whole point. This armor isn’t…
None of them were sexualized, Death especially looks like a starved corpse (AND a fourpack)...which makes sense, considering his name. I didn’t argue that their armors were practical and Furie’s wasn’t. None of them are. They are completely ludicrous fantasy character designs, with Fury’s being especially sexualized…
It’s really weird that you keep calling one of the three main quest lines “main quest” and the other ones “side quest”, even calling out how these “side quests” aren’t even “main quests”. No. They aren’t. That’s why the game quite clearly shows you your three separate main quest lines - Family, Cultists & First Civ -…
Worth noting that Accounting+ has been out on PSVR for almost a year now, unless Accounting+ (Director’s Cut) - as the Youtube title calls it - is an even newer version with even more content? Any info on that Nathan?
Two small things that are also different but only appear a little later in the game:
You get not only 4 skills for your face buttons but a second skill wheel - you can switch between both by pressing Down on the D-Pad, so you can use 8 melee and 8 arrow skills at the same time.
The climbing also gets WAY faster when…
Really wished this article would do more than just kinda copy tweets without any context. Without further context this article is kind of a jumbled mess. What does him saying “I can’t wrap this up” for three years have to do with the 6-month-period? Why does the Manga need more pages if it is supposed to end? Why did…
This is a lovely and entirely true article because these alpacas definitely are the fucking best, but I just can’t help but noting hat they are actually part of the Vol’Dun zone, not Nazmir. Which is doubly great because Vol’Dun is a huge pit of nothingness filled with the most boring-ass “fetch some food”-quests…
The melody doesn’t come from Eminem, it’s in this very article ;)