
When I was in my 2nd/3rd (can't remember which) run through the game, I tried Renegade. I was fortunate enough to know this was going to happen, as I would never have done it outside of my interest in knowing how things vary between different playthroughs.

Well, from Friday and onwards I'll be playing a lot of the 3ds Super Smash Bros. I've probably put twelve hours into the demo for the past two and a half weeks, and that was just 5 characters and one stage! I'm going to be playing a lot of it, I'm sure.

Yeah the research mission was something that crossed my mind, but I'd be fine if they kept in in the so far defined area of the Mass Effect universe. I'd be interested to see just a couple of solar systems with several inhabited planets being the setting for a Mass Effect game, maybe with a crime syndicate or

I'm behind two of those three dreams (I'd rather have a dog than a pony).

What makes you think you play as a religious zealot? Is it the whole Inquisition thing? From what I recall in previous previews, the inquisition in this game is a collection of people from various places and cultures in the world who are trying to figure out why everything is falling apart and trying to fix it.

My friend has been nagging me to play Dark Souls for over a year now, and I got it several months ago but never got far into it. I don't like dying a lot in games, so yeah. This last week I finally started playing it and I'm actually getting in the flow of things (though I'll admit I'm cheating and using a

I don't even post on Facebook save for the occasional picture or video that fit my geeky interests (mainly mashups of tv shows and such) and sadly most of my friends and family don't watch what I watch, so it is a wasted effort. Thus me only posting stuff once every handful of months.

Though I play the crap out of my 360 and enjoy it, and even though I'm not a member of PC elite, I still had to choose the PC because of my 381 games on Steam and over 700 hours combined spent on Fallout: New Vegas, Skyrim (only recently got on PC so just 67 hours), Crusader Kings 2 (same as Skyrim, but 200 hours),

Crusader Kings 2

I tend to fall back on strategy games when I'm in a funk. Civilization V and Crusader Kings 2 are the more recent biggies. Playing those result in two different options for me: I play for a day and then, especially when I start getting my ass handed to me, move on to a game that will hopefully keep me more engrossed,

I live in Illinois, a little out in the countryside. I think we pay $50 to $80 for our satellite internet, over $200 when you include our tv package and such. And I can only download 8 GB's worth on a cycling 30 day period or it gets even slower, like worse than dial-up, for 15 to 30 days. My family is getting ripped

I'm no expert on politics or economics or anything like that, but since this is the internet I will stick my nose into topics that I really shouldn't.

I think it is scripted, because I just went through that mission for the second time (beat the game once and then immediately started a new game instead of trying to 100% it) and the song came on both times. So yeah, probably scripted but still perfect.

I hope it's good, but it will be awhile before I get it as I've spent way too much on Sims 3 and its many expansions already, and will probably buy the next expansion as well.

As long as they take their time making it, instead of rushing it like Dragon Age 2, I'm sure I'll enjoy it.

I'll admit my history of playing is a little less then yours. The first two I went through countless times, so I know them pretty well. 3 however, I only beat it once before the extended ending with a synthesis ending, and since then I've only beaten once more with a destroy ending.

No and yes to the last question. You play as a different character in 2 with a story not directly related to 1, but the events of 1 crop up every now and again and you get to see where some of the characters in 1 end up.

Though I originally despised the ending of ME3, I have come to terms with it. The thing is there are some things about it that just doesn't sit well to me even now and makes it one of the most frustrating endings I've seen.

This would be my personal choice for goty. Sure, the actual game play wasn't the greatest. There were only a couple spots where I didn't mind fighting or running from the zombies, the rest were just filler to me. The characters, the choices (the oh so dismal and frequently pointless choices), and the story are what