
The all weather floor mats in my wife’s BMW will sometimes get stuck in the gas pedal and rev the engine when you’re not touching the pedal. It’s nice to know you can stick it in neutral if that were to happen while you’re driving.

Does that happen?

why didn’t they just brand this a Genesis? Its a luxury boat with a pedestrian badge.

This is correct, as I was just doing some reading up on the Kia brand last night for a potential job with them. 

We’re digging trenches in the dirt now just so we can lower the bar on human intelligence.

Wait they made a diesel Equinox? This alone is news to me.

Hand built = a human worker pushes the button that starts the robotic assembly process.

I wish they offered the Opel looking version here in the US sans plastic cladding and SUV look.

“ driving around in Jon Voight’s car”

It was good enough for Jon Voight! 

I think the most I ever spent on a pen was $25 for a Cross pen at the turn of the century. I still have it, and I preferred using it over a very expensive Mont Blanc pen a friend bragged about.

Please don’t vote.

Bullshit. No one likes the tuna here. 

FCA is highly leveraged and has been committing much of its profits to paying off debt.

Anyone find it funny that FCA just cranks out ‘new’ special editions instead of actual new cars? I seriously don’t know how they are still in business and kind of doing well with that crusty old fleet and terrible reliability.

No shipping protectors, NO DEAL!

My car is old enough to have 2 kids, a messy divorce, and a questionable Tinder account.

Mine is drinking age this year!

This one is easy. Cars are lasting longer, and more expensive to buy, so people buy less often. Unless you absolutely have to have the newest safety features, a 10 year old car is going to have the same features as a brand new car.