
The GLS is always the most “plain-jane” of the MB designs. You’d never know this is a $100k SUV based on the exterior. The Lexus (for better or worse), Cadillac, Lincoln, Range Rover, Volvo and BMW all have more distinctive exteriors. Only the Q7 is similarly sedated.

Mas mis information coming from all these conservative news stations. Trump has his cult believing that Obama was the worst president because he let 9/11 happen . Tell me that isn't ridiculous.  Mass mis information and low education . That's the Republican legacy.

Also: by LBJ:

Three things:

So here’s what you really need to understand.

I forget who originally said it, but there are a lot of Americans who will happily vote for people with policies that leave them living under a bridge, roasting a sparrow on a curtain rod — as long as they can be assured that minorities will not get sparrows or curtain rods.

I do not see Trump getting re-elected. The bad news on this guy has been non-stop since he took office. There has literally been one thing after another with this guy to where the electorate is overwhelmed with disgust. The blue wave of 2018 will be even larger and stronger in 2020. What has Congress accomplished in

Yes, that’s exactly what they’re doing. Dump is who they want to be: a crass moronic bigot who steals from everyone and never gets in trouble. They don’t see their present desperate circumstances as his fault at all, just a temporary setback until they all get a turn with the hair weave and helicopter.

Are people falling for just the talk and no actual work?

He’s going to build the wall, then put the cancer causing windmills on top to keep out the drug dealers and rapists. The wind that leaves America to power them will cure the USA of cancer. Anyone who manages to make into our bestest and smartest country will be killed by Space Force!

They don’t need promises. These fucking rubes don’t need to believe that he’ll do anything for him. For Fucks sake, he promised he would cure Cancer and AIDS in his last speech. Who fucking believes that shit?

I assume you’re a troll, but since I’m bored:

Are people falling for just the talk and no actual work?

We already saw it during his Orlando rally: a lot of absolute bullshit with the grand undercurrent of “Vote for me or you lose to the radical and deranged Dems/Blacks/Gays/Mexicans/(((Globalists)))/[Your Boogeyman of Choice]; you don’t wanna be a LOSER, do you?

Because they have Stockholm syndrome. It doesn’t matter that farmers are getting fucked over with this trade stuff and they are suffering, they just fall back on the “President is acting tough and we hope it will work out” as they get their bailout. You know a Gov’t bailout, sort of like the ones they were against for

The constituency he is going for doesn’t care about those things. His legitimacy in their eyes rests on his willingness to fully engage with their white Christian grievances against an increasingly pluralistic, diverse and secular society.

MSNBC interviewed  some of the base in Pennsylvania, and they’re still all in. I hope that’s not truly representative of the electorate at large, but absolutely no matter what he does, some minds will not be changed. I only hope polling that projects him getting trounced is accurate.

The farmers say he gets “one more chance” every time he screws their entire lives up. “One more chance” to make them millionaires. They’re like gamblers, they actually believe that he’s going to make them filthy rich, but each time they lose, they just double down and think the plan will surely work.

They mostly care that people they hate are squirming. That’s it.