
“Well, well, well, did you trademark the name Cherokee??? Huuuh?? Show us the TM and we will drop it. Else it is ours’ “

Maybe off topic, but apart from the “dealers are useless/ shady/ BS” argument, with the amount of quality/ manufacturing issues Tesla is having and the insane wait times, dealers, in this particular case, is not a bad idea, at least for service/ maintenance instead of going to Tesla every single time. Maybe not

Yes, I agree with your assessment. Car salesman are usually crass at worst, and ignorant at best, when it comes to women shopper.

Wait - he ran over your wife? As in physically didn’t see your wife when running to meet you inside the store? How? what? how?

This is actually interesting.

Screw the cost. The situation would not be better if you had free healthcare. That is AFTER catching this virus. This is a dangerous disease and people still brush it off. To them, good, you deserve to be infected. Not only are these idiots sick, they are also carriers and infecting other non-suspecting people trying

Isn’t it more like a phone or tablet with wheels...

I must have missed it in the various news feeds - cant the app not be “banned” on the app stores, like they do all the time? They have removed malicious apps and other things, so why not this? This would solve the problem of it being in the US, no?

Took a minute to fully understand your point - you are right! Google IS an ad company, or rather built to serve ADS! I never thought of it this way. And the OS only extends their reach. Interesting way to look at it.

There was a documentary a few years ago, before Tesla was a house-hold name, when the cars got bad reviews - the roadster he was trying to sell/ testing out at that time. He was about to go under. This was before Type S. He was a gambler, for sure. Good for him, however people feel about him.

Yes. I meant to say they could, and are able to fight the fight the smaller guys are not able to.

While I agree with your reasoning, Epic is big enough $$ wise to “fight” back. Imagine a smaller player like the few companies we have seen the past few weeks (Hey Mail, for example) - they are at the mercy of Apple and Google for their business. Being in tech means you HAVE to go through Apple or Google for mobile

Seriously - the “most developed, most powerful, and greatest country in the world” fucked up the covid response greatly. Case number controversies aside (about which the US should not even be talking about given how superior we are to them anyways), developing countries are far ahead, and have curtailed it better than

iPhone 8? What a show-off (just kidding). I am still on iPhone 6 (not 6S), and still am able to do almost anything at close-to-new speeds and performance. I did go in for the battery swap during the Apple battery controversy of 2018 (I think). My next phone, if and when this breaks, would be a 6S, or a 7 that costs a

Can we just cordon off entire Florida and check on them in a few months to see what happened?

Since the couple already drive a SUV to work, you cant go wrong with a Japanese car - a 4Runner, Rav4, Highlander, Pilot. If not a SUV, the forum’s favorite-to-hate Camry (bullet proof reliability), the Accord, or the Maxima or Altima - controversies aside, these are good and reliable alternates.

True - the US lost value time under Trump (or beginning with Obama or with Bush before him) for not investing in Africa, where China is now taking dominant stances to establish itself. In a few years the US will be cut off from Africa (where China is present) altogether. Those countries promise the best natural

“.... presumably, by the same mixture of national paranoia and potentially valid security concerns”

How do you even caption the cover photo -

In these situations an eye-for-an-eye seems appropriate. Cut his d*&^ off... no more mental agony for the girl, a sort of relief she got “even”. And he cant literally dick around anymore.