
Down the rabbit hole indeed.

Sooooo ... trying to follow the logic how these heavy-duty assault weapons protect women.

I’m on the passenger seat, my cousin on my father’s lap... He still owns it today :)

Because practicality is hot.

“I guess as far as SUVs go, this one isn’t awful.”.

I think part of the problem is reflected right in the title “Your Lane”. It’s not your lane. It’s the lane.  It’s a shared lane - shared by all the people using it. I find this sense of entitlement or possessiveness is often what leads to conflict.

Is Dead Beat Dads day the day before or after Father’s Day?

FCA should cash in on the trend and offer different color options for the covers.

Renault asked if they could take FCA in to their personal mechanic/accountant to be checked out before the deal.

I’m going to have to run that by my wife first.

Get a girlfriend, knock her up a few times and then you’ll have some children to sell.

The fake Rolex Daytona 116500LN still costs well over $1,000—but at that price point, you’re actually getting a really decent timepiece that should keep time almost as well as a real Rolex does

“Sir, we’re losing altitude!” “Engage bottom rotor!”

I sincerely hope this woman is ok. Now. With that out of the way, I cannot stop laughing hysterically and my bartender says I have no soul. I imagine the lady is in there thinking “this is it. I’m going out in a whirl of adrenaline and blood to the head. I should have stayed in the goddam desert.”

“As an iceberg, I read this with a tear in my eye, and thought if only my great great grandfather had read this.”

Hey Mister! That book saved my life!!!

Having just been to Venice last summer I can attest that they’re an absolute scourge and Venice should return to banning them from docking. It’s a relatively recent change to allow them directly into Venice in the first place and nothing good comes of their arrival. 8:30am and you can peacefully walk about the square,

I won’t even travel across a king size bed for sex. You roll to me.