
#16, the answer, if its a jewel, is Opal, not Opel. Close, but not the same thing.


Genuine question -

Wait - wasn’t there a few articles a couple of weeks ago saying how much demand there is and how the car loans might be the next bubble.. what gives? 

You bring about a very good point. I just now finished watching Good Omens on Amazon Prime (good show, but that’s another topic). Not giving away the ending, but in one scene the boy says the demon is not his father, and that he has a real father. So a father is a figure that inspires you, guides you in life both

The list of 14 states adopting CA’s emissions standards -

So the original investors made $$, as any investor expects to, with the other bunch of people who did not invest, or bought not pre-ipo, to hold the sinking stocks. So the not-so-smart people giving their $$ to the already rich who invested. And then people blame the casinos, sorry.. the stock market for their

They have to say that so that the initial investors get their money when these companies get bought out or go public, a la Lyft. Lyft was, and is, totally over valued. A loss making entity worth north of 10-20 Bn? Not one quarter of showing ANY profit.

Yep, this is what we did for spring break for my son. Rented a Ford Flex, filled it with 5 people and our “stuff”, drove down to Tampa from NY for the week, spent time at the beach, and drove back up. Very good roads, traffic was actually very good (good = little to no back ups, even in the DC area), able to maintain

Why british racing green? Why not some cool retro japanese designs from the 80's? Racing green looks nice on a british car, like the Lotus(?) and Jaguars. For Japanese, bring on the old-school Japanese colors/ designs. Beige color from the 80's corolla?

Why not donate to some charity to feed the needy in a war torn country, or to your local soup kitchen/ homeless shelters, rather than to an already rich religious institution to put up a building? Goes across all religions, BTW... God will bless us the same...

I support the disease(s) that kill us. We are way more stupid to even exist. I thought we were supposed to be “smarter” than the animals, but we bring our own demise.

What India shot down was lower (less risky) than what China did last year. And US or whatever western powers say, they should do their HW first. They have done these things in the past. They shouldn’t be blaming and pointing fingers. Useless advice, whatever NASA provided... 

For all of these “What Car should I buy” posts, is there an update on what car the customer/ reader ended up with? If I missed it in the previous posts, please let me know where I can find it.

Customer here: Can I get those color-stringy things on my car? Can I choose the colors?

Very nice... enjoyed reading it.

The roads looked clear (2 tyre-lane clear) till the trucks spread the snow all over, it looks like.

CP - till I know how long itll go until needing new batteries. Not recharged. New sets of batteries, and how much itll cost. Thats what it runs on. Without it, the car is only what some would say ART!

I call BS on this whole CR thing - how can a respected publication such as CR be flip-flopping on this recommendations? I didn’t base my buying on CR recommendations, but now I am inclined to clearly steer away from them.

aahh.. I thought it was something to do with turbo. Thanks so much. Appreciate your time to teach a noob. :)