
Genuine question - what is a hood snail? I know it’s not the living variety that is being discussed here. When I google hood-snail, some interesting non-car related info comes up.

Thank you - going into the weekend a happy man.. :)

Was searching for some Mack truck jokes. Found none. Leaving dissapoint!

We are always a kid to someone... 

Is this why scientists found life some distance into the mantle? I remembering something about this a few weeks ago (end of last year?)

Why not leave badges they way they came from the factory? Why do this nonsense in the first place?

I have always enjoyed reading your articles/ sections. This one tops them all. Can’t wait to read more.. :)

Serious question - how could Aquaman be made better? I mean it had to be an origin story, and was not bad at that. So what was missing?

This is ridiculous. Its like an american company trying to patent herbs a few years ago for its medicinal properties. That was shot down, from what I understand. At least there there was a product related copy right. Here however how can one enforce said cultures to not use that phrase? How would it be constituted a

I know it raises questions when its the 10k threshold for over-the-counter transactions, unless I am wrong about this. This poor guy is doing 1/10 that and still gets in trouble?

On a slight tangent - isn’t triweekly 3 times in 1 week? Bi-monthly is 2 times in a month. Going by the same logic.

This is needed...

Yes. I am a believer in the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid). To think this tiny probe lasted this time in unknown territory with no issues is amazing, with still more life left. Even the cars made in the 70s were tanks compared to the ones today! 

If this is the case they why did James May’s truck tires catch fire on a volcano? huh? huh?

Good try.. but still have a star for who you are.. :)

Dear BBC,

They take the general public for granted with passing their unpopular acts of governing, so we take their “personal” time and space for granted - tit for tat... not show the other cheek... decency runs both ways...

Will be so wide to drive it within lanes challenging?

The article headline made it seem like they found a living relative hiding under a rock or something... could have mentioned its a long dead specimen!!

Dude, really? You watched senate confirmation hearings at 13? What do you do now? A 9-5 office drone like the rest of us?