
Frankly astonished by some of the responses here dismissing this as stuff they “already knew” or that it’s unnecessary. How brainwashed are you that your first response to a report about CDPR treating their people like shit is “eh, I already knew that”? How can it be anything but good that these assholes are getting

Oh God she’s doubling down...


I mean, you’re putting a lot of work into trying to figure out why no one’s talking about Tomb Raider and why Spider-Man is doing so much better, and it’s simple: Spider-Man is just the better game, and it’s benefiting from the fact that there haven’t been many good superhero games, much less Spider-Man games.

The schism did matter in Infinity War. Because of Civil War the Avengers were divided at the beginning of Infinity War, leaving Vision vulnerable and Strange with less of an Avenger presence in New York City when Thanos’ henchmen came a knocking.

All they have to do is have the main cast be in the 50% who survive. You know, like how all the core Avengers from the first movie survived? You don’t really think they decided that for the movie via coin toss, do you?

Isn’t the internet awesome! A place where people try to help one another only to have the author of an article come storming in and make you feel like shit because she can’t write a decent piece?

Just trying to be helpful, sorry!

Caught Infinity War last night with my friends and my oldest.

If only more books had been released in a timely manner that had made her presence inescapable for a television production. But whoever could have made such a thing happen?

Hey, speaking as someone who has been watching The Simpsons since the very beginning and who considers it an inextricable part of his personality, you should check out The Problem With Apu. It’s a well-made documentary and may make you think twice about the character, even if you love him. It’s okay to love things

Maybe if your show’s been on so long that one of your first characters is now a modern version of Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, you should just make something new.

No offense intended, but “old fans” are not the future of Star Wars. The nostalgia for movies that were made 35-45 years ago is strong, but it isn’t going to last forever.

I enjoy yours, but I’m partial to this one.

I’m just here for the salty comments

maybe not, but The Last Jedi wasn’t the middle movie of a trilogy, it was the 9th movie in a saga that needed to get some new blood at the forefront.

Every Last Jedi hater who sees this:

I wish Epic made PUBG.

“Why is io9 so obsessed with Last Jedi,” ask people coming into every Last Jedi thread to remind us they hated the movie.

Commence “THE ONLY THING LAST JEDI SPOILED WAS MY LOVE OF STAR WARS” trolling in 3.... 2.... 1....