
You’re missing one type of Uber: UberPedal.

Yeah, I’ve noticed that, too. Would love to know if someone’s found a way to change that behavior.

Agreed. I just went on vacation as well with both a 6S Plus and an RX100M2, and the RX100M2 was invaluable - a combination of convenience (neck strap + dedicated camera button), optical zoom, and much better optics meant the phone (which does take great photos!) was relegated to backup duty.

Agreed. I just went on vacation as well with both a 6S Plus and an RX100M2, and the RX100M2 was invaluable - a

He’s dead. Sorry! And the interview you’ve all read that thinks that Kit [Harington] spoiled it is fabricated.

“As a result, combat sequences are overlong, overly convoluted, and at times overly difficult.”

If we just have enough patience, we’ll get all of Hellboy 3’s plot in the form of Perlman’s ramblings.

Man, this just makes me want a sequel all the more. Like with The Incredibles and Wreck-it Ralph, it just feels like such a rich universe to explore.

Same. I’m noticeably grumpy on days when I don’t work out in the morning, especially if I’ve missed more than one day in a row.

Wow. You somehow made a neutral article centered around being helpful to readers, and twisted it into a Mac vs. Windows thing.

Christoph Waltz + Bond = <3

To be fair, the ability to actually *get* passes to Comic Con has absolutely nothing to do with how hardcore of a fan someone is.

I used to be one of the folks who would keep it as close to 100% as possible, but since getting a 6 Plus, I just charge it every night when I go to bed. I’ve never had it die on my during the course of a single day.

Wish I’d known this awhile ago. I had a frustrating experience with a major software company who offered me less than I asked for, citing their internal rule about only giving a job candidate 10% above their current salary. This, to me, felt like a giant bag of bullshit - I didn’t see any reason with my new salary

We’re gonna need a bigger boat planet galaxy.

Oh hell to the yes.

I don’t “ignore what it doesn’t do”, I just know what it does, and I know what I want it to do, and those things largely align. There’s huge room for improvement, but the same is true for every wearable out there, and for me, the Apple Watch has come the closest to combining what I want out of a smartwatch to what I

I asked for a list of the “countless” smartwatches that are better at fitness tracking, not an explanation of why it can’t replace a dedicated running watch.

I’ve found the Apple Watch to be more reliable than the Pebble when it comes to notifications, so I’m not sure what’s going on here. My Pebble would occasionally lose connection from my phone, which has never happened with the Watch.

“There are countless smart watches that do fitness tracking better.”

Sure, and I’d love to have both, but given a choice, I will choose additional functionality over what I view as relatively minor convenience.