
There has been a number of cases where steam has altered something about their system (either updates, ingame payments, security) because they had a contract with a company. The biggest one that ever happened was with EA just before they split off to build that POS origin service. The issue is that EA wanted specific

Honestly the offline mode is my biggest sticking point with their whole system. The fact that i need to tell them before i log offline that i want to use something that is already on my system that i want to use it. Games like Skyrim, and Deus Ex and Borderlands were pretty much meant to be played offline, but if say

Just a comment, that most people only like steam because they give us stuff for stupidly cheap prices that we forget about the fact they they have a complete lockdown of the programs on their store, so you can ONLY play them through steam. And if steam ever feels like it, they can cut you off from your account

Steam is almost a perfectly closed system... Its blatantly obvious with the way you cant play single player games at all when you forget to turn offline mode on BEFORE you lose your internet connection.

Because even if no one bothers using this new vBox or whatever they cook up, it will mean a fundamental change in Valve. Their DRM is already clamped down pretty damn hard, and if you bring Apple into the equation they might just be forced to lock it down even more due to contracts. Its bad enough that if i forget to

uh if its a laptop... its portable im not sure how you could be "more portable" in a laptop race. Plus MBP is massive, its no lightweight at all. And if you look at a PC with the exact same specs as one you will find about 800USD difference (on average). And if you actually benchmark an Apple v other laptops you would

Apple and Valve together? Can we say the mother of all DRM fucked system?

Yeah megabit, and i never had problems with load in metro Detroit. Acutally for the longest time the 12Mb/s was cheaper than the 6, only reason why i had upgraded.

But if you think about it one of the larges MP3 sellers in the world is Apple's iTunes service, and that stuff is locked down to all holy hell. Ill not say that the music industry is the RIGHT way to do it, but they are leaps and bounds ahead of the movie/tv industry. Especially when many of the smaller labels are

They don't seem to understand we aren't going to pay for an inferior product when a better one is free... Until ISP/Cable/TV/Whatever companies start to catch on (and they are...slowly) nothing will change.

Odd, considering for about 6 years i used ATT DSL (or whoever owned it before them) and i would get between 6 to 12mb/s. Does it vary that much by region? Not to mention the only time mine failed was when 3 telephone poles fell in a storm and pretty much the whole area was out of power.

Very well said. I would just like to say "Ditto" on everything.

I pirate because for about 50% of the tv shows i watch they are either on a 90 day delay (1 week i can understand... but 3 months?) or they aren't posted online at all.

Why for wood screws specifically?

Good guy grandson?

Doctors too... doctors love the fax.

No... I feel like every single post with this authors name on it will carry a taint on it for all time. If you honestly believe things like this are going to happen by the time your son hits 5, then you are obviously not qualified to review current technologies as well.

Err I'm 23, and from the 4th grade to around the 9th grade all there was in Metro Detroit was dialup. So I'm not exactly sure where you live, but for the bulk of society that's the way it worked. Hell my family was even considered "early adopters", so im willing to bet other people took quite a lot longer.

As a programmer i have 3 screens running with at least 4 instances of my development environment to edit different sections of code, plus a remote desktop connection to my test system, and countless references manuals and conversations with coworkers.

7% of the nation still uses dialup services...