
Yeah i dont want to delete comments per say, i just want to lock down my account after this stupid social media login switch. I've sent them an email and they pretty much said that they aren't going to delete my account, but i haven't heard back yet if they can lock it down.

Anyone know if there is a way to delete gawker accounts? i cant seem to find a way.

With a power drop of half in some cases, it looks like these things are going to be pretty easy to cool.

At least this one isn't going to nowhere?

Hey hey, there's a black cook at my favorite Chinese place and the food is amaaaazzziiiiinnnnggg... It could just be the guy is an amazing cook, or it could be that he is black, maybe we DO need more black guys cooking at Chinese places. I THINK WE SHOULD PROTEST FOR THIS

That's the only thing that i think that could actually validate this protest. They would have to show that one of the applicants was a female who was more qualified than someone on the board and was turned down for the wrong reasons. You cant just say that women need to be on the board even if they are less qualified


Well it sounds like they are claiming they are underrepresented, stating that in order for women to have a voice on the website they NEED to have someone on the board. Kinda a womans rights issue i guess, even though i think the logic is being stretched pretty thin. Then again i find that most of these protests tend

Sounds like someone is trying to make a play to get an ultraviolet app for facebook to stream movie content...

Well... i am rather attracted to my penis... i would be awfully upset if it were to leave me.

Ok i get womens rights and everything... but where do these people get the time to pull this crap?

I get the feeling that they haven't touched the whole subject, maybe a follow up is required?

At the very least give us an example why video games are dumb... i mean if you are talking about people wasting weeks away harvesting farmville crops, yeah i agree thats kinda dumb. but there are billions of things the guy could be referring to.

Moral of the story, just keep looking for it if you cant find it... and if you can find it you just have to practice often in order to make sure you don't lose it.

oh is that why i can never see the opening image and sometimes have to reload a page a couple times to make it work...

If you tend to use the same sites every day its nice, because you can set the ones you want to allow once and be done with it. It likely helps if you understand some about HTML and JS i guess, but i dont think its too much of a requirement.

So... your argument is they aren't outdated even though there is a better thing on the market for. Even if you ignore the iPhone, the iPod touch is completely obsolete when compared to even the most basic of android smartphones, meaning i could spend 200 bucks and get a phone that does MORE than the iPod Touch. That

I find it interesting because we almost never see bioshock updates on the site, so what is all this spam you seem to be getting?

ipod touch*

Didnt stop us this year, they searched people for normal water bottles on the second day (not the first or thrid no clue why) though and threw those out. But you could bring in the CamelBak without problems.