
How about the fact that about 75% of the nation doesn't have access to broadband internet?

I think that this might be a wish list that got the wrong title. It would be interesting if this DID end up being the future, but other than a few items i cant see this happening at all. Not in one lifetime, and not without MAJOR changes to the price of technology and the society that uses it.

That's my point, its the same in Germany. They cant throw those anti-holocaust people in jail just because they express an idea, they do it because they have violent protests and assault people. Same thing with the KKK, none of them were ever arrested for free speech violations, but when they were charged they used

This isnt just people making statements like it never happens, people would get thrown in jail for having violent protests or even assaulting people based on these views. Its no different than KKK members being thrown in jail, free speech DOES have limits when it infringes on others liberties.

MJ had thriller

To be honest i like that most about him, because even though i believe his opinion is wrong he defends the opinion better than anyone else. He has reasoning, he backs it up with information and its not just spewing talking points like most people. You can tell that it is something that he must have studied at some

For the longest time i never understood why people kept saying that Americans had internment camps in the middle of world war two, until my 8th grade history class. POssibly one of the most demoralizing moments i can think of as a child. All i could think about was how it was just so unbelievable that people would

That... is actually an amazing idea... Its always a pain when i need to mess with settings on my server, having to drag a monitor/keyboard/mouse over just to see what the heck im doing. It would be nice to just have it display statistics, like drive sizes, data usage, and temperatures. Though... maybe not 100 dollar

How long does a unit like that last?

I had one of them once, its what you used when you wanted to reformat your floppy disks (like usb sticks but less useful) that had all the data that you really needed on them.

These don't require any extra software or a reboot do they?

I dont even want to look at mine because i know its nearly as bad as that one..

Lol 75 bucks on gas... i could only dream...

People with money buy expensive cars that result in a tiny percentage of the cars in the nation, and likely don't go to places that have people pestering you to take surveys.

Yeah, its not 20% but when you take into account that they broke up the GM and Chrysler LLC brands they just cant compare to the market shares of Ford, Toyota, and Honda.

Because Ford branded cars account for more than 16% of all the cars in the nation, and they way they broke up the GM and Chrysler LLC brands means that no one else can even come close. (Toyota and Honda come closest next with around 14 and 8)

Oh come on i figured we would at least get to see models or something. These statistics hardly mean anything because they are just brands. How many toyota and honda cars do you think are on the roads now days? what is the statistical probability that someone who cheats owns a car? Do women prefer a specific car over

Because you cant buy games there... (at least not without stupid rating problems and stupidly high costs...)

Homeworld and Homeworld 2 i think will live on as my #2 and #3 favorite games of all time... it will be a long time before either is dethroned. The opening scene of Homeworld where you come upon the burning planet, totally heartbreaking, then they show you the survivors under attack and you would never be so filled

I think you are just thinking of a general PT boat, for "Patrol Torpedo".