
Do you really want to start putting guns and rockets on a prototype? A prototype AI controlled boat?

Ahh thank you, I've been asking for one of these how to articles for ages on VPN. Good timing too as I'm moving apartments and need to re-set up my server at the new place anyway.

Id buy crysis, but if i need origin for it i wouldn't pay a cent for it. No way on earth id play a game that requires that bloated piece of EA propaganda.

Im 6'4" and i have long legs, and i cant fit anywhere but the aisle way so i can stick my legs out there. Its not just width that is an issue, there is almost no leg room in those seats.

I don't know... other than a few of them like "Hemroid", "Poop" and "I'm a stupid American" I'm pretty sure id buy some of them if i knew what they said. Like the "Giant Root" one is pretty damn funny. "Everyday is hell" "Beware of Gropers" "Loose Underpants vs Tight Underpants" are all good too...

Not to say you are wrong, because about 90% of them out there do this sort of thing, but there are a few that put actual thought into the design of the world as a whole. Games like Rift for example, tend to have some sort of transition zone, where it could go from a lush forest to slowly into a swamp. Or a mountain

Cant tell if troll or just annoying...

This trend of putting social media on EVERYTHING really ticks me off... i just want to read articles in peace, i shouldn't need to have to do bullshit like this.

Gmail can view what is inside a .zip and i think a .rar... but this does work with .7z containers

My plans have always been:

Only valid reason i can think of to use them is for twitter, its not like there is a problem with putting long links in any other website or IM client.

thank you for at least adding mouthwash... sometimes i think people forget that step.

Seriously devs... you think you would have figured out by now that ANYTHING that you put on a phone/computer/server should be fully encrypted and damn the performance loss. I've started doing this with just about anything i write, entire config files are encrypted even just because its not worth the chance that

They do have those, either you can go into your profile and look at the transaction history, or google Steam Calculator.

At least it isn't "iVoice" or "Voice3D" or something else... at least HD makes sense unlike some of the technology coming out. It is in a sense high definition.

Got to love steam bundles.

Yeah the main story line ending was pretty shit... But thankfully it only took like 20 hours tops to get to it. And the DLC endings were far far far better. Ned, Knoxx and Claptrap at least, the plots were funny and quite long in most cases. Moxxi... well it was fun, but there was not a whole lot of plot to it.

It depends on the content of the DLC. If it was say... a plot line that had to be cut because of deadlines, and was half finished with all the models and textures done, but needed polishing, sure. New skins for characters ( like batman ) or new weapons ( like mw3/bf3 ) that's not a problem. But if you are talking

Seeing as this is a wide band technology does it go through your data connection? Are we going to have to pay for the data that this uses? Id be interested if i wasn't going to be charged out the ass for it.

No not exactly, there is A certification process but it is different from the one that a full fledged game would go through. Yes it is possible that they could slave for 3 weeks up to a deadline and hand off the product to get certified in a week before the release date, making a Day1DLC. That being said it also