
Might be, it could be a setting on your silverlight system that might require updating or white listing the domain. for me right now...

Nothing will ever beat the shakeweight for the best viral ad... other than maybe the WILL IT BLEND thing.

I was sad to hear that too. I know that as a group we really don't like discussing but I feel like it will keep holding us back from becoming truly accepted rather than just being something for kids and teenagers. Plus most of the issues are rather interesting and watching the issue evolve over time with changing

I work as a programmer and all the people in my department pretty much work a 40 hour week, but most of us might check our email/send email late at night. And when stuff has to get done by a due date... well its got to get done, it doesn't matter the hours we work so long as the work is finished by the due date.

Science is totally an art, you just have to start thinking with portals to make it happen.

It wasn't the fact that they use corning's gorilla glass, its that they released a new version of the glass several months ago and people speculated that this is the type that was going to go into the new ipad. But it sounds like they are using the same formula as the ipad2.

Well just in the case of RPGs it is a way to try to curb the currency inflation, same thing as having to lose money when you revive in some cases. The game needs a place that will sink some of the cost of the money that drops all over the place, otherwise hyperinflation will take place. Either that or they need to

Well for the second part i think that you would have to assume that producing screens like this is cost prohibitive. Apple has the benefit of being able to either charge much more for the initial price of the product, or make up any loss of initial price with app store purchases. Normal Samsung phones are a single

Thankfully with this set if you go to her DA page they have some information there. But most of the other galleries (like the ones from cons) don't have any way to try to figure this information out.

Got to go for the crown the witch achievement!

Sometimes i really wish that when they do these gallery views that they would put who/what they are cosplaying as... sometimes they are interesting and i want to know more but its a pain to try and search for.

If you follow through to Der Spiegel it says that the camera man took a step back and onto the bunny. Not sure why the bunny was on the ground behind the guy though...

Clearly you haven't seen the Amish work ethic.

From what it sounds like it was just out at the wrong time. Its amazing how successful these game launches comes down to when they release.

Our rule for weather in Michigan: "If you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes."

I must say i like this thread for more than just the content (and i agree whole heartedly), honest discussion about a new product without the blinders of other reviews getting in the way.

I think ill want it mostly for chatting, movies, and comics. But then again i haven't played any of the games that really work best on tablets because my tiny little DroidX doesn't come close to that.

Really really really tempting myself into buying one... But a question about the battery life? Is it close to what they advertise or is it padded a bit?

This is kind of a moot point because you would have to prove that the other people would not have done illegal acts had he not given them a direction. Not to mention from the proof given he never actually participated in the activities, or organized them, just made prodding comments to get them moving.