
Biwa has been around longer than most ramen places in Portland, which is why there are so many check-ins. But hands down the best ramen is at Kukai in SW Portland. They’ve only been open since last summer but it really is the best. It is a true Japanese chain and opened a restaurant here.

V-necks are like any other undershirt, however you don’t look dumb for having white showing under your nice dress shirt and slacks. Not sure why you think they’re so dumb. They’re plain shirts.

I’m glad you didn’t bring up the 2-star Scoob bullshit. Dude needs to let it go. He’s a good player. Doesn’t matter what happened in high school. Mariota was a 3-star recruit and he never flaunted it.

Just an FYI, but you can leave the passcode on. Turning it off just makes it easier to reboot and allows TAiG to continue doing it’s thing.

So many steps. My method is much simpler: Boil water on high. When it is on the verge of boiling, gently put the eggs in with a spoon. Boil on high for 8 minutes. After 8 minutes, take off heat and let it sit in the hot water for another few minutes (5-8). Then run through cold water and peel. Perfect every time.

One line: "Fuck that bitch, she cray cray." End of discussion.

It goes the other way as well...I recently went through a divorce and my ex-wife hasn't removed me as an authorized user yet. She ran up all her credit cards and now it's affecting my score.

Communication is key. And make sure it's fair.

That's up to you and your wife to decide and that's where open communication about finances and money come into play. There are two main reasons why people get divorced: money and/or cheating. Maybe have a separate account as a vacation savings? This may be a downer, but if you divorced she would get half anyways.

One thing I have learned is that if you are going to combine finances and bank accounts, make sure both have a separate account to put money in as a "buy whatever you want account." It could be for random purchases or gifts.

For me to get the crispiest bacon, I bake it in the oven and let it cook in its own fat. I put it on a cookie sheet with foil and bake at 400 degrees until it's crispy brown. It also doesn't curl as much like it does in a pan.

I believe the title of this post is "What Items Aren't Worth Cheaping Out On?" If you want to go big and get the best ketchup, then you would spend the $10. If not, stay with Heinz, which is mediocre at best.

For some reason, I love Walgreen's brand of nail clippers. I don't have to file my nails down as much after I'm done.

Skinomi makes great products and is also very affordable. I'm using their tempered glass screen protector for the G3 and it was $14.99 on Amazon. Their plastic protectors are also really good and are just like Zagg protectors.

Mochi ice cream is usually cheaper at Trader Joes than the traditional Asian supermarkets.

Dang, I knew I should have waited.

I too like the PS4 controller w/ the game, however now that I am a level 30 Dragoon, it's a hassle trying to figure out the best way to map my buttons in order to produce the best combos as quick as a keyboard and mouse. Obviously a keyboard and mouse is better because one hand will use the numbers while the mouse

FF XIV has cross play so it doesn't matter which system you are on (PC/PS4/PS3), you all play together. Just join any FC and ask what they're on.