
This seems like something that would make a better overly long Facebook post in a Star Trek group, than an article in a publication.

Hi Melanie,

If you wish to be a reporter, then one thing you must do is the work of a reporter. That means, among other things, performing research to provide a complete picture of the story.

Such as the question of why, exactly, there is a “global shortage” of helium. Though that very question seems to be highlighted

Two observations. The first is that it appears that in the Star Wars universe, disability is dealt with at the individual level, and not at the level of urban planning or civil engineering.

We see in one of the films how Yoda - at an advanced age for whatever species he represents - accompanies biped at their typical

Good: the solution to racism is further racism.

I have two pets. They stay in my house when I leave. I actually feel no compulsion to parade them around in public.

It’s extremely strange - and unhealthy - to need to bring an animal everywhere one goes.

Congratulations. You just discovered that language is not static, but dynamic, and ever-changing over time and across populations. Kinda weird you had to work it out in public, but whatever.

Well, let’s put it this way: you can wipe my ass for me like a good chap, or it can stay crusty. I, however, am working on a problem from which I shall not be interrupted.

You know, I was just thinking: it’s a treasured trope in cinema to see a nurse swabbing the forehead of surgeon with a bit of gauze. The only thing

Huh... From the Department of Nobody Cares comes this item...

It’s just immature.

Dick Trickle.

I guess I’m having some trouble understanding why this matters?

That’s because you’re not on a serious academic site. You’re on an entertainment and advertisement site.

The more time people spend on their games, the less compatition there is for real-world resources. Thank you for taking yourself out of competition IRL.

You wouldn’t get it- it’s an American thing...

Oh ho ho - they have to stop making these things. This is -just- how Skynet got going.

I know two theories as to the origin of fetishism. The first is that fetishes are established in early childhood based on the subconscious equivocation of non-sexual experiences with sexual idealizations.

The second is that there are a subset of people whose emotional, intellectual, and spiritual minds mature to

I know two theories as to the origin of fetishism. The first is that fetishes are established in early childhood based on the subconscious equivocation of non-sexual experiences with sexual idealizations.

The second is that there are a subset of people whose emotional, intellectual, and spiritual minds mature to

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In fact, R2-D2 does make a mistake. On Bespin, he interfaced to a power port instead of a data port. Fucked him up.

Sound like you’re being dumb, now. Why don’t you learn a little more about it? You’re obviously online - there’s a wealth of information online. If you’re concerned about your wi-fi connection, then you can just go to a library and look at the materials there.