
Don’t tell people what to do. If he wants to call them dumb, he can.

Just imagine - almost 400 TB of files that will be inaccessable in about 15 years...

(it’s a sarcastic comment about “format rot...”)

huh.... can helicopters also go slower than 125 knots?

In thinking about Springs1 complaints, I realize that I have never experienced anything like what Springs1 complains about. I tend to have very simple needs, accordingly, simple orders. I like salads with some grilled chicken. And I like water. If I’m with my peers and they’re drinking, I’ll have a beer.

so, why do you go to restaurants, springs1? You hate them. I am guessing you’re awfully fat, and that it’s easier to make someone else cook and bring you all the food you need to drive in to your word-hole, than to spend hours of time at home making it, then having to wash the dishes after.

Of course, there’s probably

Delta Rana IV. Just saying.

Wow! It's been a long time since I've heard people so angry about a children's song.