You know, it’s a crime that they never got Steven Soderbergh to play Dean Pelton’s successful older brother on Community.
You know, it’s a crime that they never got Steven Soderbergh to play Dean Pelton’s successful older brother on Community.
“To be fair, Cox comes off as even-handed” after paragraphs painting a completely different picture. I’m not going to watch the interview, because fuck Piers Morgan, but it sure *seems* like quotes are being plucked at least slightly out of context for clicks. I have no illusions that everything a 77-year-old white…
I just don’t see the point of including a warning because a movie has Nazis and they’re clearly depicted as the bad guys.
I would guess that he’s referring to The Great Wall. It was a stinker that bombed hard domestically (it did do well overseas including in China as it was made there and was a Chinese production, but overall I think it lost money).
I don’t know anything about this specific author, but I’m fairly certain AVClub has outsourced a lot of its writing (including some TV reviews) to high school sophomores who are a few points away from a D- and need the extra credit.
Thanks for the spoiler warning on The Great.
“Don’t Look Up, Mother!” is my favorite installment in the Stallone/Getty “mom” franchise.
I thought for sure that was Kacey Musgraves in the header until I read the article.
The revived Law & Order is such a pale imitation of the original flavor it bums me out. The trashy yet more popular SVU was kind of dragging it into the gutter during the end of its initial run, it was almost a mercy that it got canceled in 2010. But now it’s a zombie shell of its former self.
Hahaha. What? Cox had way over sixty screen credits before Super Troopers (that does not include theater). He had been an established working character actor for almost thirty years (beginning his professional career in 1965).
Marlene really didn’t know Ellie. She was terrified she would say no.
I wonder if Michelle Yeoh posted it or if she had a social media team that did it who then may or may not have been told to take it down because it can have the reverse effect. I agree, it should just be the performance but it can be easier said than done to avoid factoring more than just the performance both for and…
They want to have a one-sided conversation and immediately shut out anyone who disagrees. Funny, reminds me a lot of the far right.
not sure what your problem is with an actor having preferences about what they like to watch. do you need a nap? are you just that special kind of dumbfuck that seems like they’ll die if they don’t complain out loud for others to hear every five minutes like some kind of embarrassing negativity-fueled shark?
This is why I hate this supposedly better season of Picard much more than the first two. The appeal of the TNG crew was that they were all competent professional adults who, when written by their strongest writers, had a level of emotional maturity not often seen on TV. It’s not that they never had conflicts; it’s…
“that emotions aren’t good or bad; it’s what you do with them that counts”
I can’t think of a single player in recent memory who wasn’t also a huge Survivor fan.
It’s simple: Barsanti is an idiot.