you know, you’re right. I’ve really stepped out of bounds here, disagreeing with such an upvoteable comment.
you know, you’re right. I’ve really stepped out of bounds here, disagreeing with such an upvoteable comment.
I likewise do not have the faintest clue how to explain to you that caring about other people, even victims, need not include giving into every possible concession on their behalf.
elevated Regency-era romance to an unprecedented level of bingeability
How does artistic parsimony figure into the IoD character exactly?
Please forgive the wall of text; I really appreciate this discussion.
Saying there’s no “need” to put something in a creative work is kind of nonsensical. There’s no need to put anything in a work of art. There’s no need to have a mixed-race cast in a show like Bridgerton, but I’m guessing you’re not arguing for changing that.
Do you think Americans think, “glad these folks are finally seeing an American movie?
Fun thought experiment. If you took someone who had never seen a Wes Anderson movie and showed them Isle of Dogs with all the credits removed, what would they think?
Understandably, viewers might raise eyebrows at a show about Japan told from the perspective of a white star, a white pilot director, and a white creator
The next time you feel the urge to tack “, apparently” on the end of a post title, refrain.
Stop reading “news” like this and watch how your outlook changes.
History was, unsurprisingly, made at tonight’s Academy Award.
Thanks Saloni, this is a very helpful review.
And another thing:
Like the Turning Red review by the same author, this is 4% movie review and 96% cultural criticism - which makes the letter grade a bit gauche, no?
lots of things seem weird when you try to imagine the most comical explanation possible for likes
maybe he got the “data” from the suits that changed the movie. directors like him don’t have final cut after all.
Cannot co-sign the season of the red angel as the series’ best.
The problem runs deeper. They’re way more interested in navel-gazing, emotions, and spoon-feeding morals about self-care than exploring any kind of final frontier.
Where will you move the goalposts next?. You’ve gone from “Disney” to “big productions”, but I said media representation, full stop. Queer characters are everywhere on TV, for one. They’re all over video games. Big budget stuff is always the last place you see non-token progress; that’s not really a new thing.