
Dos Oruguitas sounds catchy, pretty, and painfully derivative.

Uh yep I have.

In terms of media representation, queer people have not been underdogs for at least a few years now, by a long shot.

By this logic, Bollywood films are nothing but Chinese erasure.

This is a list of every single thing Martin Tsai says about the movie besides basic descriptions of the plot or characters:

Or Mrs Solverson from Fargo S2!

“has absolutely nothing to do with ___, and which just happens to be ____”

Tarantino’s role as narrator in the series makes sense, considering Uma Thurman—who’s starred in many of his films—is one of its stars.

Say thankya.

You’re parsing Coppola’s comment as though he’s a rando on a comment thread.

Are you really the one to be talking about relying on quips?

How do you list all those actors in Severance and not mention Christopher Walken?

Not to mention the dialogue:

“Ducournau”, not “Ducouranu”

Not sure why you would expect an AV Club writer to be familiar with the topic of their Newswire post.

The evolution of language to be more inclusive is going to continue.”

- Michael Scott

Man, these inveterate labelers have such an advantage.

It comes from very progressive groups within Latino communities, and originated in academia.

It’s cumbersome? that is hilarious. lmk when this particular evolution is anywhere close to winning the battle.