A very liberal guy in my office has the best response to the so-called fiscal conservatism of Republicans. He calls himself “fiscally conservative because I believe the military wastes too much of our money.”
A very liberal guy in my office has the best response to the so-called fiscal conservatism of Republicans. He calls himself “fiscally conservative because I believe the military wastes too much of our money.”
See, there’s something in your initial post that I find fascinating and instructive: your trigger warning for suicide.
Lol, I was trying to be mature/reasonable with my other comment as I’ve been assured by others that it can totally work if you just don’t discuss politics.
I always figured she was fighting against the slippery slope and absurd double standard of it all, not the actual content.
.... Why are you surprised she fought so hard against it? She wasn’t trying to hide what was in the speeches, she was fighting against the stupid double standard that had strong undertones of “how dare the uppity lady get paid lots of money to speak to a group who is willing to pay her lots of money to hear words come…
Fun fact. The cry of the eagle you hear on Tv is actually a red-tailed hawk. Bald Eagles sound a lot like chickens.
As they fall to the gorund after tripping on their ginormous pant legs.
It does amuse me that both Stein and Johnson spent months agitating for high-level coverage, yet the first time either did serious interviews, it went something like, “How would you deal with ISIS?” “Um, twelventy banana? Also, vaccines are death.”
I hope your Airedale lives to be 100. They all should. -Airedale Fan
I love you both!
Exactly! I’m not saying that romance doesn’t belong in a “woman takes charge of her life” book, but at least make it more realistic (her weight loss doctor falls in love with her when we barely see them interact throughout the novel? okaaay.). I’ve read almost all of Jennifer Weiner’s books and they unfortunately…
Maybe she regrets saying only half when in fact she meant all?
PC culture is out of control. You call some people deplorable and they get all offended.
Ooh I’ll have to look for that. I usually really like Nick Stahl in the few things he pops up in.
The Mahabharata, but with an all-white cast and set in Indiana
the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.
“It’s been 9 days, and I’m so scared that he’ll never contact me again, and I’ll never have the closure I need.”
It’s astounding that after 40 years of working in the public sector for the rights of children, people with disabilities, women and minorities, Clinton STILL doesn’t get any credit, and any achievements she has are dismissed as her husband’s doing.
Hey, I caught an old Friends episode the other day. They made a joke about President Clinton and her husband. In 1996. And I clearly remember there being a ton of jokes about having two presidents at the time.