
Let’s be real for a second.

It’s all in how we frame the discussion at any particular point in time. We have both micro and macro discussions about issues like this. Talking about the issue from both vantage points does give it the feel like we’re beating a dead horse.

I’ve witnessed working in the tech space in regards to hiring more women.”

There’s another issue that’s in the air that nobody is speaking to; the proper way to preserve our stories and history. Similar to the buy Black narrative, when do we begin raising capital to create places that will showcase what we consider to be of value vs some private of government entity deciding we’re the flavor

The lack of Black Curators, the lack of Black Curators in the pipeline, the lack of Black Curators being hired debate has been going on for years. The major requires one to spend a LOT of money and the curation jobs that really pay are few and far between.  

I’m sorry that you are not feeling well on your birthday week; well enough to take a swipe during a conversation I was having with someone else nor has it stopped you from making the same type of comment in my threads (other than letting me know someone it a bot) but hey it is what it is.

Let’s start this convo off right. Happy Birthday.

Champ there was noting wrong with the article.  The whole scenario reminds me of when you ask your close friend to keep it real with you, you think you are ready to hear what he has to say, and you are not really ready to hear AND LISTEN to their feedback. 

Or those who are excited to channel their inner white man by exercising cognitive dissonance on a rare occasion.

It was Wednesday, I was on a conference call, and quitting time was too far away.

I’ll split hairs with you on this one. Deregulation forced consolidation and we’ve seen better pricing but the service has gone down. When the industry pricing was regulated by the government, service was the driving force behind which airline was chosen (my family always flew Eastern).

Your hating on how Ms Arlene obtained her results. Are you walking back your comments now????

Well she had two complaints:

They don’t like it when you use their tactics against them. Although I can see why in this case the manager was asked for, airlines will make you jump through hoops when it comes to reimbursing you for damaged bags. I would want to hear the steps I need to take from a manager as well. 

I don’t see how publicly shaming them because your demands weren’t met helps.”

If they don’t know by know when it comes to customer service / relations:

P3 yous a fool! Lol.

people are willing to tell her she trash to her fucking face.”

*Begins singing living her best life*