
Yes...yes it is when you compare it to:

The courting of the red state. In other words (In my Kanye West voice) ABC didn’t care about black audiences. It was probably easier to push Barris with their new found concerns out as a part of the black purge.  No more Shonda, no more Barris, no more black viewership to be offended by right leaning shows. 

He was the manager for an entirely different company. It’s like telling folks they can’t come into Wendys and your the manager of Poppa Johns by pretending to be the manager at Wendys.

Afropunk is in a funky place right now. As a part of attempting to “do better”, how does it continue to improve the quality of the event, stay true to its roots, obtain the funding to put on a quality event and not price out its core consumer?

Wouldn’t Matt fall into the fcukboy category?   They come in all hues. 

But she can’t snot bubble on demand like Viola Davis

Exactly. It’s not like Osaka had the refs on the payroll.

If I beat Usain Bolt at some random track meet nobody cares. If I beat Usain Bolt at the World Championships or the Olympics, that holds much more weight.

Given the colorism and backlash many Asian women experienced for having babies with men of color not really. Read a history book...then again they really don’t teach history these days. 

To be the woman you gotta beat the woman and to beat the woman, you gotta meet the woman.

My first thought when I saw her was her momma got with a serviceman; her skin had waaay too much melanin. 

They’ve been there done that. Common enemies always seem to bring them back together.

Sober Tommy yes.....sniffy Tommy hayle naw!

This surmises the whole episode

There is a reason why you don’t hear about this from Black Female Athletes, black folk don’t really swim in those rivers and lakes with enough frequency.

Or you goto Saturday mass and get ripped tailgating when Sunday mass is taking place.

leave yes. pay oh hell naw!

Goldilocks with a gat enters the wrong house. The big fork and spoon should and the pictures of black folks on the wall should have let her know she was in the wrong place.

I never said that all girls and women fell into that category. The mere fact I was able to document in my own childhood circles that some of my friends liked Ralph meant by default Bobby didn’t have 100% of the market.