
There’s no need to sue or anything to sue over. The cops didn’t use unnecessary force. The young man needs to make sure his record is clean and any court costs are reimbursed. He also has to know the dress code will be edited to address the loophole he and others used to hear the bandannas.

Flag zealots are full of ish. I’ve never seen one of them complain:

A good lawyer would (and should) counter with the student in question and others have worn bandannas without question or incident. Why, on that day was this young man singled out? Why, on that day was the bandanna questionable attire? 

I got two Tubs on the young man beating the case and the school is making edits to the dress code as we speak. 

It’s not about Dolt 45 saying the N word. The realest thing he’s said is that he could shoot someone on 42nd Street and he would get off. He’s been hit with everything but the kitchen sink at this point and nothing has stuck.


Or some half cocked notion that Dolt 45 calling Omorosa out her name gave her superpowers

Despite all of this tea and information we already knew, Omarosa:

If the marriage was open, why did he have to leave the bathroom first after that quickie? 

Joanne is pissed at Issa.  Recall a season or two before Joanne was giving Issa a bottle of the good champagne gratis for pulling off an excellent fund raising event. 

On that job front you can see why Molly would be reluctant to help her friend level up. She had her moment to bask in glory after putting on a successful fundraiser and messed it up. In the office, she doesn’t seemed focused. At least with Molly, she works hard and plays don’t see that with Issa. As Black

*Channeling my inner P.E.*

She signed a NDA while working for the campaign. If that snippet happened while on the campaign trail, they may be able to get her to cease and sickle.

She might catch heat for her latest mixtape; she didn’t get all of her samples cleared

eww.  Do you think there’s still some negative feelings about Ebony slow paying creatives in play with the composition of the crew?

There are multiple questions that we can (and should ask)

  • That double cross Miss Frances pulled on her (which really shouldn’t have happened because even Charley kinda saw it coming when she questioned why that Trump lover would turn on her own brother)“

*Me looking at the photo*

You can’t make false statements like that you need to speak the truth.”

I recall watching a documentary about the Black families that stay in Sag Harbor area year round working ensure that the Black families are the ones buying the houses when they are put up for sale.