
Allyship is a 24/7 job, and there’s a lot of white people trying to pull part time shifts.”

That family put skin in the game when they didn’t have to. There are a lot of unsung folks just like this.

I look at it as let’s not diminish the contributions of those who put significant skin in the game. All of those who provided underground railroad stops, all those who lobbied for the abolishment of slavery, all of the normal citizens who treated black-folk as equals who were called ninjalovers for doing so and never

I don’t have a problem with what Spike said. Once you die and / or show that you are willing to lose your white privilege to ensure everyone has access to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, you can get an invitation to the cookout. 

It’s a VERY slow day at work and I’m trying to make the time go by. Is it 3 o’clock yet???

It’s obvious you have never taken economics or gone to the nail salon with your lady.

The answer lies in are you viewed as a relationship or a transaction. If you have a relationship, the stylist will make accommodations. If you are a transaction, you get more resistance.

fights in barbershops - yes

No silly, that’s economics 101.

Let just say the same scenario happen in black owned salon. Same fight will happen there.”

Labor and profit margins my friend;  

the perception that the service will be superior AND inexpensive.”

In order for this to stop, one of three things must happen:

The Ocasio Cortez/Bernie Sanders is very similar to the Dolt 45 phenomenon. The Cheeto and Chief benefited from a prideful display of establishment veterans that allowed him to stay under the radar due to vote splitting. Had six of those folks dropped out early, the end result would look a lot different than it does.

Two comments to your comments:

the last time I checked 85% > 15%. Given that that 15% is scattered across the country, its impact is diminished greatly. You will never hear the 15% African American Republican turn-out swung things in Dolt 45's favor.

Heck Nixon may even say I’ve done more for Black folks than you!

*Using my best NBA Jam voice*

He said that Trump is “the most pro-black president” in recent history who “actually wants to prove something to our community. The last president didn’t feel like he had to.””

Even when we win, they try to take our joy. This is happening in the A: