
I check every box that you’re supposed to be able to check. I have a generous and steady income, plus multiple revenue sources to supplement it. I have a sizable amount of money in savings. I have money in escrow, and I don’t even know what the fuck escrow means. I am married to an entrepreneur with an advanced

Being willfully barefoot in NYC sounds like some white people ish.

Dolt 45 hasn’t gone to a store since his father, the grand wizard, sent him out to get him a pack of luck strikes.

I see what you did there....

Considerations for #11

The irony of a city that prides itself on being diverse defending its founder that wanted nothing to do with diversity.

Henery Hawk was shortchanged!!! 

Thank you for admitting the word colonizer triggered you. My laughter cup has now runneth over!!!  Thank you keyboard Barney Fife!!!! 

So come on down to Pj’s car emporium and we’ll get you right!

Keep it coming! You are serving up the entertainment to me and my crew.


Nobody is going to spoon feed you the context or details that you have chosen not to research before commenting and making an ass of yourself. I will say this, had you done the work (and they say we are lazy) the context would be crystal clear.

I was not referring to any post with a woman..this is what you get for meddling. The author of this post knew of the video clip (since there were hundreds of clips emerging from the extended weekend) I was referring to and like the colonizer in that clip, you inserted yourself where you should not be.

I’m bored so I’ll bite.  Do you know of the video clip of which I speak. If you don’t, cease and sickle.  If you do, please point out the racism?

So does this mean that Team Shank will be serving up La Croix at the housewarming party??? 

The spirit of Dr. King’s bust has to be saying to itself, how can I get out of this office.

This is awesome.  Now if I could get you to post that clip of your Bruhs stopping the colonizer from hopping with y’all, my workday would be complete.

Jerry Jones is evil. Jerry Jones is ineffective Metamucil. Jerry Jones is the placebo version of Claritin-D”

It’s hard to match wits with an unarmed person...clearly you are unarmed and uninformed

In the immortal words of Lee Corso, not so fast my friend.