
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I just binged watched this weekend. So many questions.

I remember when Puffy was doing the play A Raisin In the Sun, someone noticed a picture of O.J. Simpson was prominently located in his dressing room. When asked why, Puff said it was to remind him the same folks who love him today will call for his downfall tomorrow.

Meh. Stock ownership is just like voting; in order to be effective, you must participate. Too many folks, myself included, never attend the annual meeting to vote on matters.

Reviews comment and throws BS flag

“The concept of having to ‘do a shuffle & thank massa’ is what’s really at work here.”

With some stock thrown in for good measure

Let me get this right..

I can’t give this enough stars.

Me too. Come join me.....

There’s a house music song Beat that bi_ch with a bat that used to stay in heavy rotation in my car back in the 90s

Damn her, what about the two young men?? Where do they go to get their good names back? I hope they sue.

Oh they care. There are a lot of Irish folks in NYC and Boston sweating that they don’t get caught up. For melanated folks, its gonna take a few gingers being sent home to move the needle.

This is a sad situation. One would think ICE should be able to verify that the man’s green card status is pending and this interaction should not negatively hurt his green card review. The man was working for Pete’s sake!

Darth Becky checklist to determine if black guy is a threat:

“Johnson was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct and hindering.”

We’ll be there when folks begin to pay more attention and are hyper active regarding what happens locally than what happens Nationally.

I’m torn. I’ve been with Melody and Ariel since 98 and I own crack bucks stock. I want her to stay at Ariel; she has way more influence there.

You are spot on. Men with their kids at recitals, parent teacher conferences, etc. get look at as unicorns.