
Let’s not move the goal posts dear. If we are going to talk about the why behind the reasons the system is the way that it is, men don’t have a leg to stand on. We made our beds.

I can’t co-sign this one. From a foster / adoptive scenario, we (black folk) can’t have it both ways. We complain when white folk goto Africa and adopt; we say there are adoptable kids in the U.S. When white folk foster / adopt domestic black kids, we complain that we should be the ones adopting. After going through

I’m shocked. Given all the white women adopting black babies, there should have been an express boarding lane.

There’s nothing to see here. Tiger Woods dropped in the world rankings too when he had his multiple back surgeries. She will quickly shoot back up the ranking once she begins to play.

This is a loaded issue because as a foster parent, I see both sides of the issue. Let’s keep it 100%, Black folks have been protecting and caring for our own for centuries. The issue becomes when you now have the court system in the mix dictating the terms of engagement. We see family members who have the means step

I did but I also see departments dragging their feet to provide the footage and supporting bills that would prevent the footage from being shown period point blank.

“you do not have to drink to have fun Panama.”

Yes I’m VERY late to the party but here are a few things you may not know

Puts two Tubs in the collection plate!

“You will be left without back up because you cannot be “trusted”. You will be branded a “rat” for trying to do the right thing.”

All that appears to have been missing was Tabi Bonney’s Beat Rock playing loudly on repeat

“Diversity = Like, like— a chick from Ukraine or maybe a white South African. Or like a Danish girl? Bruh. So hot.”


“There’s going to be a video that’s going to come out soon, in the next couple of weeks, involving the department, and I’m going to honest with you, we’re going to need your support during the challenges,”

My pops is a vet too. His “brothers in arms” did nothing to defend his freedoms at home when he couldn’t get that union job, find housing, or was called out his name. Not one of them checked their peeps.

Janet’s been doing this for years pre Janet. Making Love in The Rain and Funny How Time Flies have never left the G.T.D. rotation. This album it was more in your face....and I liked it!

We are in agreement. I’m just miffed that the process only seems to work when it benefits the police. It’s situations like this that police unions should point to when combating legislation that would not allow body cam footage to be made available to the public.

“For those who have seen the video, you know the one: On his knees, his bald-head being pushed into Janet’s crotch or being forced into place to watch her sway her hips, and occasionally his crotch being grabbed. I wanted to be him when I grew up.”