
“Or he just didn’t care. Other customers who HAD ordered were looking for seats, and the manager decided they were a priority. Order or give up your seat to somebody that has.”

So were they trespassing before he asked to use the restroom?

Please speak on the video from the California Starbucks in which a black man was required to pay for an item to get the bathroom code when the white customer served before him was given the code WITHOUT making a purchase???

Again, what’s the difference if they wait for their party to arrive and then make a purchase? Starbucks is still getting another repeat sale from this group of three.

You are correct; Starbucks make money off of selling products. Historically, Starbucks MADE money off of these gentlemen who repeatedly purchased items from this location and the plan was for that trend to continue. There are times I choose to use my office and there are times I choose to use a coffee shop or

Your response and suggestion are flawed; these men are conducting business. Who conducts business at the gas station??? I know when I’m conducting business and I’m paying, my job wants all associated expenses on one bill when I submit my expense report. Maybe their associate was paying this time around we don’t know.

The power will always reside with the business as they will assess the severity of the situation. This manager, despite the calm demeanor of the men, assessed they were lying and chose to call the cops.

And if I tell said establishment I plan to make a purchase when the rest of my party arrives, I’m not trespassing. It has been validated that the two men shared this information with the manager.

I think you’re leaving out key facts here:

Here come the trolls!!!

There aren’t too many white folks that have earned Viola Liuzzo, Jane Elliott, or Andrew Goodman status.

“In Black Panter the old asian lady doesn’t want to let Lupita into ‘da club’ but lets the yt guy in AND tries to slobber kiss him.”

John Lewis makes me proud to be a Sigma Man. Always approachable. Always willing to share a little of his time with you.

There may be a combination of the two. Teddy Riley wrote My Prerogative and Don’t Be Cruel. I doubt the two songs would be as popular as they are if Mr Riley blessed us with his vocal stylings.

“Calling the police is the epitome of escalation, and calling the police on black people for noncrimes is a step away from asking for a tax-funded beatdown, if not an execution.”

It’s not always about who did it first, it’s about who did it the best.

The dog on your avi is trying to disown you! Lol. With Mr. Harriot being an Omega, I just knew that song would be up there. Kudos to him playing it straight.

Michael, I’m surprised the dog in you didn’t have Clinton’s Atomic Dog on this list.

“Our store manager never intended for these men to be arrested and this should never have escalated as it did.”