
How did Lance Reddick not make this list??????? And you call yourself a fan of The Wire.....his work on that show alone puts him at #3 at a minimum.

It would be funny if those three brought a copy of Old Navy’s company policy to the interview and said policy they violated was actually in the policy book. Am I wrong for wanting to be entertained by more carnage?

Where can Mrs. Mosby go to get her good name back? She was barking up the right tree with the Freddie Gray charges.

You know what they say, if you really want to see stop snitching in full effect, watch your local police force in action.

“Sad to always make this about color. The only color Hollywood cares about is green.”


You are correct. I misspoke. I meant Lana Waithe. I can handle anything; the deeds / misdeeds of folks don’t surprise me.

“All the parents of these children going overboard with their racist stunts are the first ones to say “oh not my kid, not ever” but are the dense as hell when it comes to actually accepting their kid is a jerk. and it’s 110% their fault as a parent.”

Lawsuits w/ receipts led to change; especially if those who were wronged win. These cash strapped school districts and affluent districts can’t afford to pay out settlement dollars or have their reputations sullied.

Bought my tickets early and eagerly counting down to Feb 16!

I can see that.

Please share with us a perfect vessel???

Separate the message from the messenger. How does your response explain the offer Wanda got or the difference in pay between Tracy and Anthony? 

We agree there’s a spectrum of imperfection. The question becomes what level of imperfection overshadows your positive contributions.

No Aziz, no Lena White getting a chance to do her thing. Like I said, imperfect allies.

There are a lot of people who take up the manta if it doesn’t effect me and mine, I don’t need to be involved.

yup as well as Aziz

“Recognizing my privilege, and using it to try and effect change isn’t “mercy.””

“really, you speak a lot about equal pay but were unaware that racism might play a part in Hollywood like everywhere else on Earth?”