
And I’m glad she didn’t come at her with do a better job of negotiating. You know some folks will say that after you present them with the facts as a means of deflection.

I’m glad Olivia got the hook-up but I still can’t help feeling some kind of way about being at the mercy of whites to get equality.

“She doesn’t always say the ‘right thing’ or say it the right way”

We both know that one non sold out venue is not indicative of an entire tour and there are promo tickets that are given away.

Angela Rye is Michael Eric Dyson with better looks and can speak using words we all can understand.

Wing Woman is that you?????

We need poor immigrants because we are not breeding at replacement level

I eagerly await him failing. Again.

Nah Yesha is Big Red and she wants you to remember when her office hours are.

But you can’t deny that if MoNique were Amy Schumer funny, she wouldn’t have a career. I look at the places where MoNique and Chris Rock cur their teeth and I don’t see David Spade or Amy Schumer’s acts going over well in that arena.

Me seeing more Angela Rye on tv and negotiating more income streams:

I said as much in one of my responses. Trevor’s a unicorn now; just like Dave, Louis C.K. Leno, and Jerry.

DeRay Davis isn’t selling out arenas and got $5M and Mr. Davis would be pegged as a Black comedian that does not have the corssover appeal Mr. Chapelle has.

So will the Government force 50 to use this windfall to pay what he owe in bankruptcy?????

Even if I apply your numbers, the math still would favor her balking at the Netflix deal.

You didn’t go down that rabbit hole because you knew it would not end well.

Let’s back up. Recall when you said:

Waiting on Joy to put Tucker on the Summer Jam screen like:

like you said it’s all about negotiation and both Wanda and MoNique were loballed because someone felt:

Trevor is now a unicorn; he has global appeal (eyes) that the Daily Show deal has caused to increase.