
You don’t need to be a Democrat to be an ally. I’m looking for folks to do what’s right for people vs right for your party. Hell, even McCain has voted against his party.

If Jeff’s an aly, I need him to do more. Don’t air him out but then turn around and vote for his policies simply to keep the Republican majority.

Praying to Black Jesus we didn’t plant these flyers.........

That’s not her fault per se. It’s not like there’s a deep black conservative bench to pull from.

Me after she took him to church:

“Pence’s head would have exploded if only Pastor Franklin ended his sermon with this...

And a two song selection from the guest soloist

Dolt 45 got Race Bannon out here as his whipping boy looking like this for the next three years:

This was a photo opp. What did Race Bannon expect??? It’s like going to the dentist with a mouth full of cavities and being surprised when filling the cavities hurts.

Crime statistics would say otherwise. We all know, correction, intelligent folks know that black crime on tv and in the newspapers sells. The only white crime(s) that are worth covering are mass shootings.

I’ll do it for you:

“Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson was escorted out along with several other African Americans,”

Say whaaaa???

It seems live ever since Don came out, he’s been carrying his naw ninja card with him.

There’s a hungry lawyer that will eat the case; they just haven’t appeared yet.

My grandma kept a 45 in her purse and a hatchet in the buick. There were four things you never did:

This is a microcosm of we face; we tell you ish isn’t right, were ignored, things go left, the folks we told are shocked, they feign ignorance, and we’re looking at them like really.....

sounds like School Daze to me........