
The GOTDAM committee rules that only white folks that were reared in economically depressed areas that lived alongside blacks can say homie; they know how to use the correct linguistic inflection when saying homie

“Needlessly abbreviate words.”

“Deadline may be under estimating the power of black people”

A few notes:

I got where she was trying to go; white folk like black folk are not a monolith. I’m just not banking on a white person to truly think about me and have my best interests in mind regardless of the diversity of white thought at Apple, boardroom, jury, etc.

I wonder if Kevin Hart will separate himself from the H&M David Beckham project.....

Attitudes about marketing to minority populations haven’t changed much at large marketing firms. It’s always the smaller or niche firms that do a better job / deploy more resources to ensure they get it right.

I work in procurement so I get to craft the vendor proposal requests. In order for the creative company to be chosen, they have to grade out with a certain combination of technical ability, responsibility, and price. It’s my company’s reputation that’s on the line if the creative companies we hire screw up.

Silly Rabbit,


“Europeans have far more progressive attitudes than we do here in America. They seem to be a lot more inclusive and less hung up on racial differences.”

I have already noted I made a mistake. Did you read the thread or look for an opportunity to say that’s racist?

Can we also give some Blackest thing I’ve seen love to Uncle D rocking the Michael from Goodtimes peak haircut?? 

Denzel looks like he’s tired of placating these White caters by nibbling on aggressively unseasoned food. Pauletta tell the assistant to run to Jack in the Box and get me a number 2.

You are correct. I will edit my response accordingly.

They have already said as much:


Those Roman J. Esq glasses he’s rocking add to the Uncle status. He could have taken a tip from Oprah; her glasses were the female Malcolm power joints

It’s a simple fix if you are hiring an outside firm / team; you ask how they address diversity / cultural issues in a campaign process and use this info in conjunction with other responses to choose the firm that gets the business.