
Welcome Back Shades!!!

That little person who wrote that “I hate you” letter to Santa needs to pay Riley Freeman a tribute.

Oh they care....they find out they care after being burned and we tried to warn them

“Let’s be crystal clear about something: You fly and/or celebrate that flag, you’re a bully. That flag came to be a popular symbol during the breakdown of segregation to bully blackness and everyone who believed in one, undivided America, whether people today realize that or not. And most of them do.”

The “Bullying” may stop if / when your child stop spewing what they hear at home in school and doubling down on it. He’s simply caught a case of “ catching these hands” once or twice or.....

Doubling down to hold on to power will make you do things that are not in your best interests.....*gives side eye to Dwight women and poor Dwight folk.*

Soo you mean to tell me your church, Fraternity, hood mall, etc. doesn’t have / use Black Santa????? To the punishment corner with you!!!

Richard Dawson told me this years ago. Folks are finally catching on.

MC Gusto should have rushed the stage and turned it out

Soo you paid more in fees than you did for the actual ticket.......

They would have come out by now if there was something really there. When he lost his senate campaign, Tennessee ran that ad which was telling white men Harold was coming for their women. Folks would have definitely had these women calling Harold to the carpet to preserve the Republic

This IS the same man who spoke about Frederick Douglas like he was still alive. Nothing surprises me.

Is it wrong for me to wish / want someone from the station to find her and put a mike in front of her after this verbal beatdown?????

The two things that were missing from this read were:

Not true. Greer likes Nola because she’s a challenge; she makes him work for a change. Nola skirts the issue like Maywether dodges punches.

I’m not going to knock Greer’s hustle; a steady gig, financial stability, and ladies want to throw you the panties.....He doesn’t act any differently than single straight men in Atlanta. Just sayin

She’s 27. That millennial moment when she was into her phone in front of her listen.

In reality they balance each other out career wise. Greer wants to be Nola but doesn’t want to struggle so he makes safe art. Nola wants Greer’s success / money while being able to control the artistic product.

This reminds me a bit of a conversation Will Smith had during the pressers for Hitch. He was sharing that the folks who bankroll these films are not really ready to see black on black, brown on brown love interests in fear of the project losing mass appeal.