
“Speaking of men, Greer is so incredibly self absorbed that he’s insufferable (I honestly can’t see why b/c he’s not that attractive, IMO). I’m not sure I ever saw a reason why Nola kept him around. And though Mars was nice, he is over-the-top in every way possible. I wondered why the characters felt so extreme?”

It’s refreshing then and now because we get to control the narrative and we’re not waiting for some white writer to plop a token character into some storyline.

I’m Sigma_Since93 and I approve this message

This should is another case study of what can happen when you have too many folks grabbing for power. Dolt 45 wouldn’t be in office if 9 Republican candidates had opted not to attempt to become President thus lowering the bar for the number of votes you need.

Me after watching this response in all its glorious corporate / codeswitch glory:

So in summary, while P3 may pass this test:

Thank you

So when you say rural N.C., where “Down East” did you reside?

National Adoption Day was a big day in our family as well this year. We were blessed to be able to add a baby girl to the Sigma clan.

We had one of them in our neighborhood in the 70's. He was met with a 2x4 to the knee and then the head by a kid.

I’m trying to see where you are going here. Yes black kids can be bullies that’s not even up for debate.

You’re inferring a lot here.

Kids that are bullied are twice as likely to bring a weapon to school to protect themselves. I’m not in the mind of each kid so I can’t speak to if the incidents are premeditated.

“I got bullied. Lots of kids get bullied.”

I don’t think that all kids who are bullied act in this manner but I do think that people are surprised how these kids respond when they do choose to respond.

Which validated Randall when he said. I married a queen. I go to sleep with a woman that wears a hair scarf and coconut oil. (Another slept on line if you ask me)