Sigma silver

I guess Diane really IS the most divisive character on the show, as she’s even managed to divide the review against himself. He heaps praise on Alison Brie’s performance in some spots, while in other spots suggesting that Alison should never have gotten the role since she’s a white woman voicing an Asian character.

 Here is the real question: Do people 'ship the ships?

It is also a good lesson about how increased player freedom isn’t always a good thing. Give the players the option of being dicks, and they will take it.

Now playing

This review is what spawned the term, “PC Master Race.:

Of course not. Do you think I made that comment thinking I’d be carried out on the shoulders of an adoring crowd? I think that this movie looks terrible and I said so. Yet people react like I just insulted their mother.

Because I have just as much right to say I don’t like something as others do to gush about it.

 And yet, if my comments had been "Woo! More Bill and Ted! Thank-you Hollywood!" or random movie quotes, they would have probably gotten a lot more stars. Indicating that people do care insofar as they like seeing other people validating their hype and hate it when they don't. 

Oh no, poor you, I refuse to get on board the hype train for your beloved nostalgia property.

Seriously though, what is the premise here? Two guys in their advancing years realize the future they were promised never came to pass? It’s Midlife Crisis, The Movie. Hell, that’s all of us who looked around at the turn of the century and wondered where our robot maids and colonies on the moon were. That’s not a


 I had "I'm Han Solo" stuck in my head FOR DAYS!

 I can't help but think it was a missed opportunity to name the superhero "Firefox." It would be the kind of animal/technology pun that would be right up the writers' alley. 

 I think they explored that one in the episode about the chicken farmers.

Politics is, and has been for some time now, about putting on a show. The worst sin a politician can commit isn’t cheating on their spouse or selling out the public interest to lobbyists, it’s being boring.

Mentioning “White Privilege” in Bojack’s world? I guess white people are still on top even in a world where people can have skin, feathers, fur, and scales of pretty much any colour imaginable? Also, many people have argued that “Race” is a social construct, yet this is a world where the races really ARE separate

Andy Dick: Lead contender for Most Appropriate Name.

Well what are those people going to do? Vote Democrat?

This may have been the other 1% here. The baby the girl’s father supposedly neglected her for? It’s her baby. The collection of movie memorabilia like a douche would have? Hush payments from celebrities the girl dragged into her misadventures. Considering that how quickly she lied and tried to throw Bojack under the

 The Joker is far from the first movie to suffer from The Discourse. There are people who started Fight Clubs as a means of self help. There are people who think that Gordon Gecko and The Wolf of Wall Street are aspirational figures. It is sometimes hard to separate your opinion of a movie from your opinion of the

 If it's such an accepted, long-standing part of the English language to use "they" as a singular, why are so many reaching for their dictionaries? There is no point in fighting it at this point, but every time I hear or read "they", my first impression is still that at least two people are being discussed.