Sigma silver

And there you have it. Do you know what fuels populism? The feeling that you don’t matter because the fix is in. That things happen, not because of the will of the people, but because of a backroom handshake. As it turns out, the Democrat leadership was doing everything short of actual electoral fraud to ensure a

Yep, can’t have people voting for a candidate they like and believe in. No Nosiree! In American politics, it isn’t about who you like, it’s about who you hate.

Now playing

One game I will stump for is Monster Prom. A dating sim that is also a competitive multiplayer. You can do a full run in about an hour, so it’s a good party game. The writing is laugh out loud funny. Because everyone subscribes to an inverted Addams Family-esqe morally, you had better be prepared to do some rather

Edit: Never mind. Got that wrong. Got to be sure before you post something on undeleteable Kinja

On the representation front: not really sure what is accomplished by giving a black character a more prominent role at a cost to an Asian character. 

There are things that aren’t Simpsons references?

Lots of people masturbate to Sonic, they;re called “furries.” Probably even before they introduced a busty bat girl with an affinity for leather bodysuits to the cast. Say what you will about Team Sonic, they know their audience.

Putting a safe pane of glass between comedy and the public so that it can be picked over by intellectuals who wish to arrive at an authoritative definition of “funny”.

So one of the ways Roosevelt sold the war was by scaring the American public with the idea of NATZI MEXICANS swarming over the border? Has there EVER been a time that Americans haven’t been obsessed with their southern border? 

When this question of whether recognizing ability counts as eletism arises, I think of something I heard in a shoe commercial of all places. “Some people are stronger. Some people are faster. Some people are smarter. But no-one is better. “ You find wisdom where you find it I guess.

What does a “troll” game even mean? Does it mean racism? Does it mean a game that viciously mocks a certain person? A game that doesn’t even execute? If you ask me, the troll clause is ill-defined on purpose. It gives Valve a pretext to ban whatever the next game the media gets worked up about next because it’s a

Everyone is talking about the reality TV angle. What about the absurd idea that corporations are people that allowed a company to adopt Truman in the first place?! Really, what would keep a corporation from ACTUALLY doing this, if you truly believe that corporations are people?

It’s because the Internet had allowed virtual armies of nerds to gather. As we all know, there are few things nerds love more than obscure details and overthinking things.

Does L3-37 not count? TECHNOPHOBE!


Sure. From the SPCA I volunteered at.

They were? I thought they were just junk held together and puppeteer’d by the Force. Opress later got him regular cybernetic ones.

So basically if your theme is a revolution of oppressed minorities, and straight white males actually enjoy it, you’re doing it wrong.

Kansas: I’m from the government and I’m here to help!