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Ice Cube: “Maybe we should have put a slave in Staight Outta Compton.” 5:00 mark.

Fucking NAILED IT. Living in Seattle during the Seahawk’s rise was objectively awful.

The only thing worse than Seattle’s use of “12th man” is Texas A&M making a very commonly expressed phrase proprietary.

I was thinking that they remind me of a teenager that smoked weed for the first time, thinks it makes him the coolest kid ever, and goes obnoxiously overboard with his new ‘hobby’.

I had nothing against them until recently, but damn the “12s” thing is just so goddamn obnoxious. The Maude Flanders-style letter writing is just the icing on that particular shitcake; this year with the Cam thing, and last year some screeching fishwife wrote a similar letter after Edelman punched a Richard Sherman

You know what really makes Seahawks fans look petulant and stupid? Referring to themselves as ‘12s’. It was nice when you were an up-and-coming team, but now it’s time to shut the fuck up with that.

Is it just me or do Seahawks fans remind you of people who came into money quickly, only to discover they can’t handle being rich?

They had the PERFECT opportunity to classify feminine hygiene products as necessary goods and remove the luxury tax! Why did this not happen!

And for most of existence, women haven’t had the privilege of not showing up. No matter how sick or busy, they couldn’t stop mothering. Women have been working around the clock, rain or snow or plague or shine, for millenia.

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.

Jesus is likely a real historical person, but there were probably dozens of people claiming to be the Jewish Messiah, and the Apostles happened to pick him mostly out of convenience to write stories about.

That’s some lazy-ass trolling, dude.
It’s like you’re not even trying...

This is bad trolling.

much better post than the mental gymnastics Greg Howard attempted earlier today

Fucking thank you for me not being the only one saying this. The only caveat is if these people are using some damn ancient email system. In that case, fire your CIO And CFO.

Talk about the books those women wrote. What you enjoyed about them. What you disliked about them. Recommend their books to other people. Start book clubs that feature them.

Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.

My favorite Mast Brothers chocolate flavor is their sea salt and beard hairs one. That flavor wasn’t available when they first started out.

Key difference being - when Obama did it - he wasn’t seeking campaign contributions from the Grizzly Bear lobby.

Oh I see, so when Obama eats bear food it’s cool and interesting, but when Fiorinia eats dog food it’s a joke? Liberals.