
Loved it! Of course some people will be upset because they shook what their mama gave them and how dare they do that when children were just previously watching grown men in tight pants run around a field and violently hit eachother.

This is basically what they do already. It may not be for the 1st tier loyalty members, but certainly for the higher tier ones. I’d wager half the first class seats on any given flight are probably upgrades.

Correct. In a world where the standard rule is “every empty seat is a free for all after takeoff” there will be melee near first class as people try to nab the empty seats, especially on long-haul flights, resulting in fights and inevitable delays/diversions (beacuse you know we can’t have nice things).

Castro has actually been second in party endorsements for some time now; the problem is he hasn’t had any standout moments that would otherwise shift people away from Biden. Buttigieg, by contrast, has had a series of good debates, and combined with Biden’s overall ineptness, has resulted in moderates starting to jump

No. A liar is what we have right now. Maybe Pete has a different opinion than yourself on an issue, but that doesn’t make him a bold faced liar. You’ve given no evidence that he deliberately said something that he doesn’t believe in. From 20 fucking 11, when dude was still in his 20s. And he never said that his

To be fair, she doesn’t advocate for minimalism or austerity. She advocates for having only things that bring you joy, and getting rid of everything else.  Buying stuff is fine in her view, as long as you’re only keeping stuff that’s meaningful to you.

That’s exactly what he does. He’s like that kid in school who always claimed he had a “girlfriend in another town” who no one ever met or even saw. That sleazy wife of his wants him to die even more than I do and his chinless demon spawn children no doubt feel exactly the same way.

The amount of chicken grease in his blood reached 100k ppm, so they had to put him on a ketchup iv until it thinned out.

Mammography is an interesting thing to look at for preventative medicine as a sort of “dark side” to that equation. Basically, the USPSTF found that, while catching a cancer early can reduce morbidity, mortality, and health costs, the number of cancers that would progress in such a way and cost of dealing with cancers

I have traveled a lot for work over the past year due to my job and have achieved Gold status on American. The secret is that for non-vacation flights (for example: Pittsburgh to Denver as compared to Philadelphia to Punta Cana), most people are travelling alone and are too cheap to pay for seats during the checkout

I’m incredibly cheap and almost never pay extra for a seat assignment, but my wife and I are going to Greece next April, and the plane we’re on is a 3-4-3 layout, but with a few two-seat rows in the back. We paid an extra $220 roundtrip total to ensure we’d have a row to ourselves for both of the ~10 hour fights, and

It’s just a standard ramekin!

FYI, once the cabin door closes, the head flight attendant is the rule of law on the plane.

No way I’m switching seats so that I can get my legs crushed while some lady who wasn’t paying attention while booking can not feel bad about her incompetence.

Sorry... you over tipped :-). My usual tip for crap like that is .25 cents. Well, that has happened to me only 2 times that I can recall. Of course being a single diner can be very challenging. But in restaurants that treat me real well, I will most times give a 30% tip.

It’s not worth it to me to try and separate that out. Did my order take 45 minutes because of a kitchen problem, or because the server screwed up? Don’t know, don’t really care.Is the food cold because of a kitchen problem, or because the server took a long time to pick it up? Same answer again.

It’s a good point you’re making — that the scenario in the West Wing episode shows the Republicans being deceptive, and the Democrats battling deception with deception, but only in order to have a fair vote. And, you’re right, everybody votes. But the Democrats can’t just bark and stomp and cry about it. They got

They weren’t at home, they were attending to other government business. When an institution operates on norms for decades if not centuries to see that overturned by crass opportunism should come as a shock. That the Republicans are so callow that it is no longer a shock is besides the point.

It really is that simple. It still to this day amazes me how many people still don’t grasp this basic concept.

You can drive for any ride share company. You can pick your hours whenever you want. You can pretty much use anything thats not a heap of crap to do it.